My Latest Romney Ad

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. hughb


    Now would be a good time for Romney to put out a little Big Bird ad himself, something humorous that makes Obama's attack on it look petty.
    #11     Oct 9, 2012
  2. LEAPup


    Great post! I edited the last part. Lmk what you think:

    Ad opens with Obama speech at the UN,"The future will not be with those who insult the Prophet of Islam.." intones the President.

    Shift to pics of obama bowing deeply to the King of saudi Arabia and meeting with muslim brotherhood figures in the WH. The screen explodes with US Embassy in Cairo buring and islamist flag being raised over it. Shots of burned out consulate in Benghazi, with newspaper headlines in backgorund about security requests being denied, etc.

    Quick clip of U.N. ambasssador Rice saying it was all due to youtube video, then headlines saying that was a lie.

    Romney appears on screen in front of giant American flag. "As your president, I won't apologize to terrorists or bow to any foreign king. I will protect this country and your Family. I will help your Family become successful, and I WILL make America great again."
    #12     Oct 9, 2012