"My greatest fear is that one day I will have to support my parents"

Discussion in 'Trading' started by harrytrader, May 1, 2004.

  1. Daxtrader


    I fear the same, what's wrong with taking care of your parents? It should be one of your duties in life to do so.
    #21     May 2, 2004
  2. traderob


    More than a duty, an honor.
    #22     May 2, 2004
  3. What do you mean? I did not ask to be born.

    Michael B.

    #23     May 2, 2004
  4. Yes it's a duty but if your parent have paid huge taxes in a socialist country they are normally also due their money back at retirement. And how can people do this duty if the economy plunge and the people lose their job ? And why would economy plunge ? Because it has always been the case when a nation get old. So the vicious circle. Real Money is pumped thanks to credit and never given back to people which will not understand what happened to their money they have saved their whole life. The problem is even more crucial in Europe than in US.

    #24     May 2, 2004
  5. Oh, so now you want to turn this into a political discussion about socialism. Go on believe what you have been brainwashed to believe.

    Michael B.

    #25     May 2, 2004
  6. Different beliefs I guess. There are may tribes that consider it an honor and a duty to relieve the rest by killing themselves.

    Michael B.

    #26     May 2, 2004
  7. OnGoing


    No, no restriction of benefits to elderly. Imagine if your kids earn a lot of money and they do not take care of you. That is the main reason. All elderly have the same right to use the elderly benefits. However, restrictions like discounts on medicine, hopital care etc are reduced the more money you have.
    #27     May 2, 2004
  8. Why the insult? If I'm brainwashed, then it's only by mathematics.

    As the world ages, a system that offers more in benefits to the retired than it takes in from the employed cannot sustain itself.

    The moral question of whether it's right for your government to take over your financial decisions and act as your surrogate provider is another issue, and one that you will find less pressing than the mathematical one.
    #28     May 2, 2004


    "All elderly have the same right to use the elderly benefits. However, restrictions like discounts on medicine, hopital care etc are reduced the more money you have."

    Same as welfare in the states. People don't work, have 12 kids, and get a check from the government every month (working peoples taxes).

    It's the same everywhere, people who worked hard their whole lives to EARN money get dissed because they HAVE money.
    #29     May 2, 2004
  10. OnGoing


    Now, I am not into the hospital care in the US, but have all elderly people access to free hospital care?

    #30     May 2, 2004