"My greatest fear is that one day I will have to support my parents"

Discussion in 'Trading' started by harrytrader, May 1, 2004.

  1. DTK


    Thanks for the great posts Harry & PTR.

    PTR - Couldn't agree more.
    #11     May 1, 2004
  2. OnGoing


    Wonderful said!

    There is a myth being marketed that everyone can be a rockstar, tv-star, Miss this and that with the pocket full of money, no worries and fame.

    That is nothing to strive for and not a path of good virtues. A good and happy life comes with hard work, clear beliefs about moral and understanding that life has both ups and downs. The worse that can happen is to instill this marketing bullshit in our children.

    #12     May 1, 2004
  3. What don't you understand about Sweden? The entire country has a system built up around taking care of its old people and their integrity. Get a clue. Young people should be relieved of this burden to take care of their parents.

    I immigrated there for 6 years when I first got married to my Swedish wife 15 years ago and plan on retiring there. We came back here to America to use the country for what its good for. MAKE money and leave.

    Michael B.

    P.S. As we speak, I am getting one step closer to my goal. America the land of the free...(illusion) LOL

    P.S.S. Do you realize that due to the recent developments with wartime powers given to the authorities that America is more restrictive than socialist and communist countries? We are in the beginning of the beginning. You will see.

    #13     May 1, 2004
  4. OnGoing


    Being from there and lived there for more than 35 years I think I have a saying at it....:D

    It had a good system, still is a good system but many things are detoriating fast and the elderly care I would not say is a good system anymore. You would definitely want to do some more reading, especially if you are planning to retire there with the help of the government elderly care.

    You changed your post so I had to add some things: I do not live in the US. I am not pro US regarding the elderly system there, which I do not know much about.

    #14     May 1, 2004
  5. Compared to America...I do not need to research. YOU ARE WRONG.

    Michael B.

    P.S. We do not need to deteriorate here as we never had a level to start with.

    #15     May 1, 2004
  6. OnGoing


    I am not comparing to the US. I am telling you in my opinion what is happening with the elderly care in Sweden and that it is working much worse these days than before. And it does not seem to get better, by no means. But it is just my opinion.

    #16     May 1, 2004
  7. Luto


    I agree with PTR. A *possible* outcome could be:

    People cannot afford much food.
    People learn to cook their own food they the can purchase
    They get leaner and healthier.

    Consider these questions...

    -- How many people don't make MOST of their own food?
    -- How many people think a doctor knows more about their body's state then they do?
    -- How many people will leave and waste food?
    -- How many people actually wait until their digestion is empty before eating?

    All in all, personally can't see quality of life getting better in the USA before it get worse....
    #17     May 1, 2004
  8. My fear is that one day the world will be overrun by shallow ingrates too self absorbed and self obsessed to appreciate what their parents did for them...
    #18     May 1, 2004

  9. Wait a minute.

    Taking care of my own is all well and good. But why should I be forced to take care of yours too?

    Does Sweden restrict benefits to the elderly if their kids are on welfare?
    #19     May 1, 2004
  10. great post. i think you guys should check out the newsletter www.dailyreckoning.com
    #20     May 1, 2004