My Godfather took all the loans and credit he could, just before the collapse

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Cicero, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. nope creditcards dont really exist anymore over here.

    (unless you have a really high creditscore, but then the banks will still reject if you apply as they will never make any money from someone who repays in full on time each month!) :cool:

    The time to have done it was late 2007/early 2008.

    The people who missed it have to just accept that the free money offer is now gone.

    (Unless you are unemployed and have a kid, and then you get £23,000 (pre tax) each year in benefits money. :) :cool: :p
    #31     Aug 30, 2009
  2. Smart people like you? In Canada, we call someone who doesn't pay back debt a bankrupt deadbeat. Then again, our banks actually expect to collect on their loans, so maybe you are correct in the end seeing as you're from England.
    #32     Aug 31, 2009
  3. Moving to chit chat since the OP is just cold/Jasonn/c-kid and the original post likely horseshit as usual.
    #33     Aug 31, 2009
  4. In U.S.
    Wait unil you are old. Take on as much debt as possible. Deed everything to family members before dying. Make family rich.

    Its hard to benefit personally from this debt game, and its risky. using family take out the risk. Everyone should do it.
    #34     Aug 31, 2009

  5. well said. :)
    #35     Sep 1, 2009

  6. Yes, and rememba the classic saying that you should live your life by though...

    Adapt of die, said the cockroach to the dinosaur!

    And look what happend....!! :D :cool: :p

    These people that you call 'deads', are the ones who like me take the role of the cockroach,
    as we know we are the ones who win and and get the best for free,
    when the dinosaurs work hard and take risks just to die out,
    while we will survive.
    #36     Sep 1, 2009