My Funded Account with Helios

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by SelfMadeDude, Sep 9, 2022.

  1. I will chronicle my working life and funded trader progress as soon as I get my account details.

    Now it is truly time to see my 20 years of experience and struggle yield sweet fruit.
    Laissez Faire likes this.
  2. Glory to the new born King,
  3. Another "20 years of experience guy" that is starting out.

    Congrats on your new career.
    CALLumbus and hilmy83 like this.
  4. Fonz


    Being and staying positive is one of the best advise a good guy gave me years ago..
    Wish you the best SelfMadeDude!
    Leob, SelfMadeDude and Laissez Faire like this.
  5. FTDK


    How have you been doing if you don't mind me asking?

    I assumed this thread was going to have regular updates, always interesting to see how someone is doing as a funded trader with one of these companies.
  6. andydandy

