My conclusion as to why muslim countries dont help their brothers

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gunslinger, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. Another Nazi racist antisemitic pig. Then in all fairness you've never tried to hide it.

    PS how is that pizza delivery job working out genius? Not too challenging for you I hope.
    #11     Feb 3, 2008
  2. You couldn't your hide your jewishness if you tried -- and try you have.

    I'm not even all that antisemitic, really. I've just been forced into by non-stop jew bullshit.

    For instance, here's what is in all likelihood a jew, one James Rose, recently telling "glum Australia" that it could really do with an infusion of African blood.

    This is what I'm talking about, doo. There simply is no fucking "economic case" if that case is supposed to relate to the economic well-being of individual citizens (not immigrants themselves); per capita is the number that matters, not the total size of the pie. What makes the bullshit more transparent is that The Age is a typical lefty rag, full of liberal (read: jewish) piety of the most nauseating kind, that cannot bring itself to look reality squarely in the eye, which never hesitates to slam capitalist greed or cry its lungs out over "the needy," yet when it comes to justifying immigration (the more alien the better) the kikes all of a sudden transform into economists, eager to sell us on the benefits of growth that deadbeat Africans are sure to bring us.

    Who could have predicted it!

    Lol, yeah right. "Surveys."

    How can they print this crud?

    Can't beat 'em smear 'em. Standard kike procedure.

    Of course, paying your way through college is hardly much of a smear. You never had to pay your way through college? Lucky jew.

    You know what the bitterest irony might be, doo? S. Europeans like me have unquestionably been beneficiaries of your jew bs about the benefits of diversity and multiculturalism etc. There's no doubt your media saturation campaign has weakened the founding northern european people's defences against dispossession, to the point where they've been sucked into celebrating it. And now here I am sticking the knife into your back, just as you did it to the wasps.
    #12     Feb 3, 2008
  3. The same zionist who is accusing spect8or of anti semetisem is the one who is leading a raciest campaign, identical to the one carried by the nazis against his own people, to dehuminize another relegion.

    I have never seen a people as shameless as these filthy bastards.

    Everybody knows who you are and your stupid agenda. You are not fooling anyone with your lies and hate no matter how hard you try to mask it.
    #13     Feb 3, 2008
  4. SteveD


    Actually I am a white Anglo-Saxon family came to the US over 325 years ago....

    This last decade has shown the world the incredible ignorance of the Islamic culture.....

    Just as Katrina showed the amazing inability of some blacks to come in out of the rain and get out of harm's way.....

    The Hebrews: Bush tries to prevent the destruction of Isreal and the Jewish senators attack him for causing trouble....LOL...what idiots....

    In all honesty, I think the Arabs should offer the Isrealies money to move out....Isreal will be gone in less than 50 years....

    Offer $5,ooo,ooo per family....they can move to any country in world....any that elect to stay are on their own.....less than 25,000 Jewish settlers came to Isreal in 2007.....

    Let Islam have the middle retards can bomb each other forever till all gone.....

    You attack US...we destroy Mecca next day.....completely erase it from face of Earth....nuclear wasteland for centuries....

    Also, no migration for Islamic made your pot of stay transportation in or out.....anywhere..

    So you see Islamic retard...I am not Jew....I look down on you as a sad waste of humanity....

    #14     Feb 4, 2008
  5. Islam is thoroughly incompatible with both traditional western society and modern western values. For any non-Muslim country to invite Muslims to live in it is the purest insanity.

    That said, Israel is a deadweight around America's neck and has caused America nought but problems since its founding. Arabs are right to be furious: they were thoroughly jewed out of their patrimony, a fact in which American support has been complicit. If America truly wished to win the Arab world's support, warring on Israel or at the very least demanding the return of the refugees would be a prudent course of action. In any case, were Israel held to the same standards as Serbia, Tel Aviv would have thrice been reduced to rubble by now. Of course, no matter how such action would serve American interests it will not be undertaken because Jews are running the show.
    #15     Feb 4, 2008
  6. What a silly comment to offer in public.

    I myself always take care to carefully think before I type such a post.:D

    Personally I feel that people who demonstrate low IQs like yourself are a deadweight on this society and should be incarcerated or sent to Mexico..

    Recently, I have volunteered to load you and all the illegal Mexicans I can find into busses for the short (and not so short) journey to the border.

    You will be able to continue to post this crap as you like, but you will have to eat Mexican food, read Mexican newspapers, watch Mexican TV and patronize Mexican hookers instead of your usual Mexican hookers here in the USA...Also you will need to learn to pick your own produce, fix your own automobile and do your own housecleaning. In general it will be a living hell for you...

    I have to admit that I am enjoying this post more than many I have written in the last few days.

    Lovely talking to you...and Adios Amigo

    #16     Feb 4, 2008
  7. Quote by Waaaaeeelllloo...

    "I have never seen a people as shameless as these filthy bastards."


    Look in the mirror. Oh thats right you live in a yellowcab you smelly camel humping arab....Ok then just take a look in the rear view mirror...Do you see that ugly face looking back at you...Blink if you do.....good. NOW YOU HAVE SEEN PEOPLE AS SHAMELESS AS "THESE FILTHY BASTARDS".....for in fact YOU are one of the most shameless of the filthy bastards left on the planet...In fact, because your camel humping mother didn't raise you correctly, YOU may be the most shameless of the filthy bastards...You may in fact be king of the filthy bastards....Emperor of the filthy bastards...Ruler of the known universe of filthy bastards...Yes I think we have put this in the proper context now...
    #17     Feb 4, 2008
  8. Which implies that on occasion you, too, type such posts and, presumably, offer such comments in public. In which case you cannot be sure that I, too, didn't think carefully before I did so. "Silly," then, has nothing to do with it.

    Personally I feel that (very) low-IQ people are deadweight on society, too. But, since the possibility of even very high-IQ parents birthing very low-IQ offspring, given the reality of mean regression, is surpisingly high (at the very least it is non-zero), compassion and support for the lesser endowed is rationally warranted -- our natural tendency towards such aside. Thus there would be no incarceration, no euthanasia, no deportation on my watch (there would be limited sterilization, though).

    Ah, if only it were crap....
    #18     Feb 4, 2008
  9. Mercor


    Well lets try to keep some rationality here.

    Islam has only been around for 1400 years.
    Islam did fill the void left by the fall of the Romans. In fact it is the main reason they were able to spread so quickly.

    Until about year 1600 the Arabs were very open and tolerant, they had free and open universities. They were accommodating in their rule, allowing Jews and Catholics to carry on with their lives. They introduced many advances into society.

    But in the last 200 years ..nothing...they have become closed in the past greatness of the 13th and 14th century.
    #19     Feb 4, 2008
  10. There was no such void. The lands that early Islam expanded into were predominantly Christian dominions of the eastern Roman empire. Islam conquered them militarily.

    The year 1600 is plucked from thin air and irrelevant.

    Arabs did preserve ancient learning and reintroduced it into the west, but this only occurred by way of the Christian and Jewish inhabitants of conquered Islamic territory preserving such learning in the first place. Islam contributed precious little, and practically nothing of any lasting significance, to this body of knowledge.

    They were accomodating in their rule only to the extent that such was prescribed by their religion (Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians being considered "people of the book", ie, not pagans or animists). Such tolerance cannot be compared to the tolerance that westerners today (foolishly and against their own most vital interests) grant to Muslims.

    Such as?
    #20     Feb 4, 2008