Muslim Terrorists killing soldiers inside Canada

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gwb-trading, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    #71     Oct 23, 2014
  2. gwb-trading


    So let's say that you are the mullah of a mosque in Quebec... and every week you get up and make a long winded speech about killing the Jews and soldiers of western nations who attack ISIS - (and many do this). So members of your mosque go out and attack Canadian soldiers and Jews. Should you be held responsible for inciting violence?
    #72     Oct 23, 2014
  3. dbphoenix


    Good question. This is how the law-making process begins.
    #73     Oct 23, 2014
  4. Ricter


    As far as I know, a good deal of hate speech IS illegal in Canada.
    #74     Oct 23, 2014
  5. gwb-trading


    During WW2, Canada has emergency measure acts to deal with domestic threats - time to dust them off.
    #75     Oct 23, 2014
  6. Has to be. Otherwise, the determination of "hate" speech will become subjective. And before you know it, ANY comment the ruling powers don't like will get you thrown in jail or worse.
    #76     Oct 23, 2014
  7. Ricter


    Canada should have gone after its criminal biker gangs a long time ago, too.
    #77     Oct 23, 2014
  8. dbphoenix


    I'd like to see the laws regarding sedition dusted off.
    #78     Oct 23, 2014
  9. gwb-trading


    Yes unfortunately the Canadian Human Rights Commission relying on the Canadian Human Rights Act passed in 1977 regularly rules that curtailing speech from any religious or racial minority is intolerant - no matter how hateful the speech. Strangely this law does not appear to apply to Jews - whose speech has regularly been curtailed on University campuses in Canada due to protests from Muslims.

    However if you are a blogger in Canada and make intolerant remarks about Roma, Jews, Muslims, homosexuals, blacks, Arabs, and others then you will be immediately locked up as per the the Warman v. Northern Alliance, 2009 CHRT 10 and your website impugned in order pursuant to s. 54(1)(a)

    But other cases demonstrate that posting of hate speech in Canada by Muslims is perfectly acceptable - including videos of beheadings by ISIS and other violent material.
    #79     Oct 23, 2014
  10. Lucrum


    Not all sedition is counter productive, moron.

    #80     Oct 23, 2014