Muslim Mindset: 'The hatred is in Muhammad himself'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Rearden Metal, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. That's not true. There are several literary sources that purport to be the words of Jesus (or representative of what he said). They do not all agree, so, somebody is spinning some spin, yes? On the other hand, one (or more) of those sources may reflect the authentic voice of Jesus, and/or the voice that spoke as Jesus allowed that voice to speak through his personality.

    Jesus is made to say all kinds of things among the various publications that presume to speak for him. The Bible could be just one of several sources that misrepresent the message of an authentic teacher (Jesus).

    It would only be hypocritical if I was projecting my own feelings onto/through Jesus, and my own feelings were as mistaken as the feelings of those biblical scribes who projected their feelings onto/through Jesus.

    It still stands, however, that those biblical scribes COULD HAVE projected their own feelings out of the mouth of Jesus, which we have mistakenly taken as "gospel".

    Wait a minute. Are you saying he DID say them? Is that rational? And, how does that make you better than those scribes who claim he did say them (contradictory, nasty things)? They had an agenda. Perhaps you have the same agenda? Are you interested in discrediting a great teacher as well?

    Wait a minute. Are you saying he DIDN'T say those things? What logic insists that he said everything they say he said, or nothing of the sort whatsoever? I dare say, Stu, your logic is not all that different from the logic of those who say that the bible is the truth, the whole truth, and nothin but the truth. Are you saying that there can never be any truthful basis to what spins the truth to serve its own agenda?
    #31     Jan 31, 2010
  2. As expected...

    Your strings are showing.

    <img src=>

    Good gravy, emoticons from stupeee!!!

    #32     Jan 31, 2010
  3. [Quote from Iam]

    Wait a minute. Are you saying he DID say them? Is that rational? And, how does that make you better than those scribes who claim he did say them (contradictory, nasty things)? They had an agenda. Perhaps you have the same agenda? Are you interested in discrediting a great teacher as well?

    Wait a minute. Are you saying he DIDN'T say those things? What logic insists that he said everything they say he said, or nothing of the sort whatsoever? I dare say, Stu, your logic is not all that different from the logic of those who say that the bible is the truth, the whole truth, and nothin but the truth. Are you saying that there can never be any truthful basis to what spins the truth to serve its own agenda? [/B][/QUOTE]


    Iam, You know stu does not think Jesus is real? So stu is saying to the people who think Jesus is real they can not say one thing is true in the bible, but another is false interpretation. Because you can not pick only the good part is real, and the bad part is false.
    That is not bitter.
    #33     Jan 31, 2010
  4. If the book must be taken as a whole, I am willing to dismiss it as false. If it can be taken as a mixed message (ie. a field of good and evil seed sown together), then I am willing to echo/confirm those few sound-bytes that echo/confirm what I understand to be "the truth". I recognize a great teacher. I also recognize the musings of misunderstood students and hearsay passing for truth.

    If one will understand the teacher, he will eventually come to accept the fact that there isn't anything real about people or persons. That means that Stu is as much a mythological character as was Jesus. Only, Jesus was one who understood the non-existence of his personal persona (person) compared to his existence as REALITY ITSELF, which transcends the limits of time/mass/personhood.

    The Truth is a Being. All words can do is point non-beings (people, persons, elves, fairies, Stu) toward Beingness. All non-beings can do is allow true Beingness to use their mouths to tell other non-beings that they don't exist...and to tell them that they EXIST as a REALITY long forgotten under the suppression of ignorance ("sin").
    #34     Jan 31, 2010
  5. stu


    Word salad. You are spinning out of control. Jesus says bad stuff in the Bible and you short circuit trying to muddle a way around it.
    #35     Jan 31, 2010
  6. What, exactly, do you think the bible is?
    #36     Jan 31, 2010
  7. jem


    did you catch this argument. it is now my burder to go through the bible and determine which statements Stu thinks finds offensive?

    did you skip logic class growing up?

    Ok I just did. Every sentence with punctuation on the end of it.

    Now stu be a man and support your attack with some quotes.
    #37     Jan 31, 2010
  8. Stu, don't do it! It's a trap! The bible is for attacking. It's full of attack. And if you quote it (chapter and verse) it's like bowing down (sacrificing your time) to an idol (oracle). Quote it too much and you just might get sucked into believing it is the word of god, or that its actually true or authoritative in some way. Worse, you might think that it actually represents the teaching legacy of Jesus! Stu, do you see me quoting chapter and verse? No! Let the sword of wisdom prevail, and if the bible is in your right hand, cut off your whole right hand! Don't be a man. In fact, don't even call any man your father. Be REAL instead and don't be bothered by mythological creatures who are made in the image of their mythological "god".
    #38     Feb 1, 2010
  9. stu


    Steady there Iam you'll do yourself an injury chasing those head phantoms of yours.

    I'm aware by now Jem's only rebuttal is to pretend black is white, bad is good, wrong is right. After all it's what religious brainwashing does to people .
    But you must know to be honest you make no sense either , except at least unlike jem you can write properly.

    But you can’t sensibly or rationally establish that, in reality, there is no reality, as you nonsensically always try to do. You use reality and need reality, to say there is no reality.

    But that is what religious belief is.
    The irrational, nonsensical blind belief in absurd statements. Confused ideas about story book characters called Jesus Christ Muhammed and whatever else, who say bad things, and then people pretending they are good things.

    Bottom line, religion is defense of the ludicrous.

    And it shows.
    #39     Feb 1, 2010
  10. jem


    another non answer combined with the misdirection of personal attack unsupported by reality.

    What else would you expect from Stu?

    You would think a guy who has such a animus toward the bible, jesus and christians would have few of his most despised versus at his command.

    I really expected to read a few good ones... perhaps, not even taken out of context.
    #40     Feb 1, 2010