Multicharts" Master Strategy/Bracket Order Exits

Discussion in 'Order Execution' started by Etisan, May 7, 2020.

  1. Etisan


    Hi all

    I usually use Multicharts for charting whilst using Rithmic RTrader DOM for entry/exit.

    This week I've used the Multicharts DOM instead which I have found problematic. Either through its functionality or my lack of experience with it or both!

    Re. Master Strategy/Bracket Orders.
    I have 2 different exit strategies set up.
    (A) Has T/P 50 ticks, SL 10 Ticks
    (B) Has T/P 100 ticks SL 20 Ticks

    Example Scenario:
    - Price at 23.10 I enter market long using Strategy (A) for exit parameters
    T/P at 23.60... S/L at 23.00
    - Price moves +30 ticks so trade still open.
    - I see another long entry & buy another contract at 23.40 using Strategy (B) as exit
    T/P at 24.40...S/L at 23.20
    So now I'm long 2 at average 23.25 with individual T/P's & S/L's above

    I want & expected the 2 contracts to be treated seperately as is done on Rithmic RTrader DOM but found Multicharts if adding to an already open position it uses the same exit strategy as the original entry for each "add" & you cant mix exit strategies for differing entry points?
    Error Message: Multiple Master Strategies cannot be simultaneously attached to the same base object(order/position). Only the first selected Master Strategy will be applied

    Is that right or do I need to do something else to get it to work how I want or maybe I just did something wrong?

  2. [​IMG]
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