Multi-chart Ripping Off Tradestation

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by SuperCruz, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. momone


    Has anyone considered the most obvious point in that Multicharts is a licensee of EasyLanguage and as such is bound by agreement to include the copyright tags in any “scripts” that are straight copies to prevent any average joe from opening shop with the scripts?

    MC promotes itself as an advanced interface for EL but may be bound from modifying or “improving” the language. Mostly because it may not be necessary. And who says that the EL sales isn’t really a business channel for TradeStation and, in fact, ARE honoring their duties to stockholders by doing so…

    SuperCruz simply starts a fire with an “I hope that…” statement that seems the result of the most cursory research. I would say that SuperCruz real point is simply MC’s improvement over TS2ki and it uses EL as a platform. That is more of a benefit for TS users as it is one upgrade path available. Responders seem to forget that the EL code, is something that TS has had open for years and the real money is collecting money from anyone making engines for the EL or even moving their main revenue model to brokerage fees.

    I suggest posing this question in MC’s moderated and “uncensored” forum if you are really interested an answer that might actually be valid.
    #11     Mar 1, 2008
  2. Multi-Charts is up here all the time answering questions in their "User Thread". It seems that they would have answered this if they had a good one because I would not let a charge like this go unanswered.
    #12     Mar 9, 2008
  3. TradeStation seems to be suffering from a loss of programmer talent. It is like they lost the guys who know how the internals work and have been trying to get (cheaper?) talent to decipher and make changes.

    Why else would it take years for them to implement things that other platforms with owner/programmers implement in weeks or days (Ensign comes to mind).

    It looks suspiciously like the typical "management vs worker" problem where the founders/owners think they accomplished it all themselves and the coders were just hired-help. Easy to get rid of them and get cheaper substitutes to keep a bigger slice of the pie.

    Then they find that they don't know squat about what made them money and lack the talent themselves to advance the product.

    That would be a typical stupid management decision.
    #13     Mar 9, 2008
  4. Really ? Wow - impressive.....and the fact that Tradestation never improved it's EL performance is "telling".
    What exactly have they been doing since they dropped TS2000i ?
    Does anyone know all of the new features in Multicharts 3.0 ?
    #14     Mar 9, 2008

  5. Most important feature . . .

    Customer service - outstanding.
    This is my personal experience in recent issues and questions, that were immediately addressed above anything expected of them.
    #15     Mar 9, 2008
  6. I can't figure out why you think MC would answer this in htis thread.
    Others in this thread have answered it with info found on the site and in there programming. If you go to MC's website and actually read it, there are plenty of answers there regarding the relationship.

    I mean, if you have a grudge against MC that's fine but Tradestation is a lame idol for you to hold up as something to aspire to.
    #16     Mar 9, 2008
  7. OMIGOSH...that is so precious...and TRUE.
    Bill and Ralph Cruz are just so obviously waiting for the day they can finally just sit on the sands of the beach counting the number of string-bikinis go by.
    They were once far ahead of anyone in this area...and then they decided to screw their ever-faithful user base.
    And so....Bill and Ralph...I only have two words for you:
    (go figure it out !)
    #17     Mar 9, 2008
  8. An extremely affluential user of TS had a meeting with them about 18 months ago and offered his bank of programmers to fix their problems. He also lives very close to their corporate offices. He offered because HE is a user as well. They basically shrugged their shoulders and blew him off. That event began the end.
    #18     Mar 10, 2008
  9. Can you please explain how you can do this? Did TradeStation give you the permission to use their copyrighted code for all the indicators?

    Moreover, can you please give the link to the MC forum, as when I visited the MultiCharts site (, you had to be a member to login in. Moreover, there is no registration link to be seen.
    #19     Apr 1, 2008
  10. It appears they purchased a special license....but I too would like to know for sure. Because why would I pay upfront for MC when in fact TS could potentially shut them down at any time ?
    #20     Apr 1, 2008