MT4 Historical Trade info. in CSV File.

Discussion in 'App Development' started by FF9, May 27, 2018.

  1. FF9


    I need to access my Historical Trade info. in mt4 using it`s CSV File`s & import it into a SpreadSheet APP. for analsyis, can anyone tell me where to find it in mt4 & how to save it ? Can it be imported automatically into a SpreadSheet APP & if so how do i do it ?
  2. cvds16


    You use 'save as' that will give the CSV file. Then you open that file in excel and save it as a text file (with tab as a seperator) then you open with 'all files' this text file in Excell. There you have to klick 'comma' as a seperator. That will give you all data in the apropiate collums.
    Baron likes this.
  3. FF9


    Thank`s...About excel will it work with windows server 32/64bit 2012-2016 r2 datacenter edition ? Will i have to use compatability mode ?
  4. cvds16


    I did it with excel 2003 .... but you could allready found out if you had tried it ... writing your question probably took longer ...