MSO: Halted & Guilty

Discussion in 'Trading' started by waggie945, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. seems like 10.50 - 11.50 area

    all over the place since opened late in day
    #21     Mar 5, 2004
  2. ElCubano


    Counsel fucked up period.....trying to cover up is human nature....they took a gamble on their 15 minute position and lost big time
    #22     Mar 5, 2004
  3. Diode


    Probably word got out that the jury was about to reach a verdict. The assumption was that a quick decision would mean "Not guilty".
    #23     Mar 5, 2004
  4. I used to live in Westport, CT and bump into Marianna Pasternak ( Martha's longtime girlfriend ) at a local grocery store called the Bridge Market. We would exchange hellos and chat a bit, and every now and then a buddy of mine and I would run into her and Martha when they were out on the town for dinner at a local Sushi place.

    I once remember Martha coming into the Bridge Market where there was a small cappachino/coffee stand inside the store in the produce area . . . Loyal customers were given a 3x5 card in which they would receive a rubber stamp whenever they purchased a cup of coffee, latte, cappachino, etc. When you got to 10 purchases, you received a FREE cup or $1.00 off your latte or cappachino purchase.

    With about 6-7 people in line waiting to order, Martha initiated a conversation with one of the gals that worked behind the counter as to whether or not she received her $1.00 off. ( she was mistaken and was not due her $1.00 off yet ).

    I couldn't believe it.
    #24     Mar 5, 2004
  5. Waggie, I currently live in Westport and, while I've never met her myself, I know plenty of folks who have. Similar stories are endless around here and one would be hard pressed to find a fellow Westporter with a kind word to say about Dame Stewart.
    #25     Mar 5, 2004
  6. A guy that I used to stand next to down on the floor of the commodities exhange in #4 World Trade Center for 10 years, who also lived in Westport down near the Beach and grew up there . . . used to date one of her personal assistants one Summer.

    As you can imagine, she was a very tough cookie to work for.
    #26     Mar 5, 2004
  7. rgelite


    #27     Mar 5, 2004
  8. Unless she jumped the line to ask for her discount (which would be rude), she did nothing wrong in this incident. The fact that you are a centimillionaire is no reason to throw away money or act laissez faire about your wealth.
    #28     Mar 5, 2004
  9. Unless she jumped the line to ask for her discount (which would be rude), she did nothing wrong in this incident. The fact that you are a centimillionaire is no reason to throw away money or act laissez faire about your wealth.
    #29     Mar 5, 2004
  10. rgelite


    Yes, I agree. There's something more sinister at work here and I believe it's explained well in this article. I mean, what type of vile person (let alone a Man, rather than some petty little schoolgirl) cares how anyone else manages his or her affairs, particularly when it doesn't have ANY impact on him?

    "Ooh, ooh, she wanted to use her discount card, ooh, ooh."
    #30     Mar 5, 2004