Mr Subliminal's Remote Trading Journal

Discussion in 'Journals' started by Mr Subliminal, Apr 29, 2002.

  1. ron2368


    Mr. Sub

    When are you going to start your "Trading Journal"?
    #21     May 2, 2002
  2. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    I thought this was his trading journal?! (how embarrassing that I didn't know better...)
    #22     May 2, 2002
  3. tom_p


    ron, you are in the wrong place.
    #23     May 2, 2002
  4. Let me be the first to nominate Abbey Cohen as the official poster 'thing' for Mr Subliminal's Remote Trading Journal.

    The first one to correctly guess how many times she says "WE" in interviews during 2002 , studiously avoiding "I" at all times, wins a free "I BELIEVE IN THE MARKET" cap and tieclasp.

    #24     May 2, 2002
  5. he he.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA hahahah hee hee ha ha ha hahahaherhtrhhheeheheheeehhheheheheheh!!

    haheee he hay he hahhahahahahahahahahahah!

    wwhoo whoo aHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!


    LOLOLOLOLO! hahahahahahahahahahahahHAHAHAHhahahHhahahas!


    #25     May 3, 2002
  6. Rigel


    I'll bet you a large group of people learned a valuable lesson from her (the hard way). A wolf in shepherds clothing, as plain as day. Wonder who the next front "man" is going to be.
    #26     May 3, 2002
  7. It is not necessary to say she or any of the other market analysts were crooks ( I don't make that dispensation for the equity analysts like Blodgett and Meeker). It is enough to realize that their carefully crafted and rational sounding analyses were in retrospect dead wrong and would have buried you. As William O'Neill says, you must learn to read the market itself. It is like the weather, it is neither wrong nor right, it just is.
    #27     May 3, 2002
  8. I doubt that most guru disciples learned anything other than it is time to pick a new guru.
    #28     May 3, 2002
  9. Today I finally broke a 28-day losing streak (I didn't trade), so I'm rewarding myself with a two week vacation to Florida for a well-earned rest plus the chance to catch up with old friends ( I'll also be stopping off at Boca Raton for the two day Village Idiots' Convention where I'm the keynote speaker, as well as spending a bit of time at Orlando's amusement parks. I won't be taking the laptop (pawn shop) though I may drop in to the hotel (youth hostel) business center (Kinko's) to see what's happening in the market and here.
    Good trading everybody.
    #29     May 3, 2002
  10. Rigel


    Reminisciences of a Stock Operator, 1923
    "There remains another source of loss and that is, deliberate misinformation as distinguished from straight tips. And because it is apt to come to a stock trader variously disguised and camoflaged, it is the more insidious and dangerous. ... against the typical Wall Street rumours, the speculating public has neither protection nor redress. Wholesale dealers in securities, manipulators, pools and individuals resort to various devices to aid them in disposing of their surplus holdings at the best possible prices. The circulation of bullish items by the newspapers and the tickers is the most pernicious of all."
    #30     May 4, 2002