Mr. Market rocks

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TM_Direct, Jun 27, 2003.

  1. Im going to beat him to the punch...I joined his yahoo group for shits and giggles and in addition to getting about 30 spam emails, i received this today:

    In, "mr_market63"
    <mr_market63@y...> wrote:
    > I sold FBC today at $24.24. That's a 16% gain over my purchase
    > of $20.85 back on June 6, 2003. That's a 16% gain in only 3
    > Can you do that?? You? You? You???
    > They are building a bronze statue for me. But they had to tear it
    > down because they made the biceps too small. I am HUGE!! I am
    > easily the best stock picker on the planet. No one can compare.
    > Bring me your finest meats and cheeses!
    > $$$MR. MARKET$$$

    would some Linguica with a dusting if Parmaseano Regiano suffice?