Mozilla Select Committee on Un-Queer Activities

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mike oxbig, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. The Committee came to order and demanded that Mr Eich, the newly hired ceo, promptly report to the committee for questioning.


    Committee: Mr Eich, have you or anyone you associated with ever donated money to Prop 8?

    Mr Eich: Sir, have you no decenc......

    Committee: STFU!!!!! Just answer the question!

    Mr Eich: Well, uh, yea.

    Committee: Clean out your desk, get out of the building, and don't expect to ever work in this industry again. You are blacklisted.

    Committee: Call the pr guy. We need to try and square this with our homosexual friends.

    News Release: We at Mozilla are so very, very sorry and apologetic for hiring someone who is so outside the values of this company. We dropped the ball and we promise to never, ever let this happen again. We're sorry. So sorry.
    We will ask for representatives of LGBT to vet our next potential hire to make sure it meets with their approval.
    Thank you.
  2. Lucrum


    Hilarious, except that it's largely true.