Moving my automated trading offsite

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by SideShowBob, Nov 12, 2007.

  1. In the interest of getting rid of my backup internet connection I'm considering renting a dedicated server (or preferably a workstation since all I need is XP Pro). Is anyone aware of a cheap offsite vendor that offers a dedicated workstation with XP (or Vista I suppose) for a reasonable price?
  2. Has anyone used nivio?
  3. cstfx


    If you are looking for a dedicated server the cheapest i have seen begin around 100/mth (for linux) and 120/mth (windows). The 2 best prices i have seen so far are GoDaddy and 1and1. I currently use a Godaddy for VN and 1and1 for dedicated. To get co-location of your own server, look to start at 400/mth.
  4. does ur broker let you host your black boxes on their servers?
  5. No, no hosting :(

    I'll look at VPS from 1and1, even their highest cost windows plan is $60 which is barely any more than I pay for my backup ISP.

    One day they'll have virtual workstations.....:eek: