Moving into an apartment as a trader...

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by JMowery1987, May 23, 2006.

  1. JM,
    Pack up your computer, your 6 months (or whatever) "survival money"and fly to some cheap south east asian or central/south american country and rent a place there (make sure you have reliable Broadband if such a thing exists in those places). Sleep, get up and trade the yen/nikkei, eat, read a book, post on ET, meditate, trade european open, walk around the block, New york open - all the way through till New York Lunch. Repeat 5 days a week. Sleep all weekend and go to a girlie bar to have some semblance of reality. Take Pre NFP or other big announcement day as a half day off and go do some service to the community. Work your b***s off. After six months you will either have it "nailed" or forget about trading - your not cut out for it. Take a leap of faith. And strike while the iron is hot.

    Here is a good site to find places:

    Phillippines, China, India, Thailand take your pick.
    #31     May 23, 2006
  2. Surdo


    Great Advice!

    The Caribbean has a few spots as well where you can live like a king for $50 a day including room and board.....and a pretty native.

    Thanks for reminding me.
    #32     May 23, 2006
  3. get roommates. try to keep your expenses low, when you are just starting out. you'll be sorry when you have the drive to pay your bills and gamble in the market. that's when you get take out of the game.

    its alot easier if you were to find a place near a university and share room with graduate students.(hopefully they think u're mature enough) they tend to be less anonying since they got their things to do, therefore, less partying. if you really like to party, then that wouldn't be a good option.
    #33     May 23, 2006
  4. Had a roommate (female) when I first started to trade actually. I swore to never do that again, I couldn't deal with all the interuptions and the noise - not to mention being nagged at - never again.
    #34     May 23, 2006
  5. That's not very realistic. You need a credit card to rent a car, make hotel reservations and so on. Also, I guess you never bought anything on Amazon. It can be a source of convenience without being a (stupid) source of credit. I only have one card and I never carry a balance. And I consider myself both prudent and frugal.
    #35     May 23, 2006
  6. Well, see, I just use my mastercard debit card for buying anything. I never take out any cash from my checking incase my wallet gets stolen or something.

    I'll check out about getting a credit card.

    lol... I guess I could buy an Xbox 360 on credit and pay that off, then maybe I won't be spending my entire night on ET trying to learn or something :)

    I could also move in with a friend, but... my friends are in the airforce, and not only that, my frineds are pretty freaking nuts to be honest, I mean drive you nuts all day long type of crazy. I wouldn't want to move to Washington and then move into a rental house or apartment together and then try to get out of it, I'd probably tick him off and then I'd be frustrated.

    I could always stay with my parents and live and continue paying them cheap rent (I currently pay them 200 a month and buy everything myself and pay for cable and net and all that).

    I guess I can be a little more patient with this then I am.

    Also, I'm currently taking college courses at a local community college, I take a few at the college, and I take a few online, I am not participating this year though, because I finally got out of HS and wanted to dedicate my time 100% to trading to generate steady income, and then resume school, which I still intend on doing.

    I appreciate all the advice though, I think I got a good idea of what I need to do now. Any more advice of course is welcomed though.

    Thanks everybody :)

    EDIT: Btw, I've only bought my trading books off of Amazon, I just use the checking card for it:p
    #36     May 23, 2006
  7. Maybe I should just head down to Buenos Aires? :D

    Would I actually legally be allowed to stay in another country for a year? I thought they had this whole deal about Visa's and all that.

    EDIT: They actually do have some insanely nice looking places in Buenos Aires for very cheap, like 500 - 800 a month and utilities included. Seems too good to be true *and when that is the case, it usually is...*
    #37     May 23, 2006
  8. Just do what everybody else does - cross the border every three months for a day and come back. In Brazil you can spend 6 months of the year there in total (sometimes they enforce this rule), but in Argentina most probably you can get away doing 4 x 3 month blocks, without a hitch. Same, same for Asian countries.

    They also have some insanely hot girls in EZE - and you will not be able to concentrate on trading. Better to go there when you are 100% consistant.
    #38     May 23, 2006
  9. I think you should stap on a backpack and hitch hike around the world, when you return in about 2 years you will have gained some real life experience and might be a bit more streetwise....or maybe you could just work on an ice cream van instead.
    #39     May 23, 2006
  10. Your young you don’t need your own place. Why don’t you first get laid and we will work from there haha. If I owned an apartment building and you gave me all 12 months up front I would rent to you in a second so I see no problem. Tell the apartment building that and I am sure they will rent to you. My biggest problem is you have way too many post for someone only trading a year and is 19. I think you need to work on girls a lot more then trading.
    #40     May 23, 2006