Most of Public and Nearly Half in G.O.P. Back Climate Action

Discussion in 'Politics' started by futurecurrents, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Warming has occurred. As has cooling. You've been duped by the AGW scientists into believing that the end of the Little Ice Age is the earth's natural temperature. It's not, and it fluctuates much more than those scientists would like you to believe.

    The 'inconvenient truth' about the earth's average temperature is that almost everyone on the earth would benefit greatly if the earth's average temperature would rise ~2 degrees C from its current temperature. Unfortunately, that's extremely unlikely due to the sun's solar cycles.
    #71     Feb 1, 2015
  2. dbphoenix


    Or not.
    #72     Feb 1, 2015

  3. The burden of proof is on you to show why an increase of one of earth's most important ghg's by 40% would NOT result in the warming we are seeing. It is absurd to think it wouldn't.
    #73     Feb 1, 2015
  4. dbphoenix


    You've been hanging out with gwb. :)
    #74     Feb 1, 2015

  5. Actually, I have been ignoring gwb. Let me know if ever says anything intelligent. Ha ha.
    #75     Feb 1, 2015
  6. dbphoenix


    Can't help you there. I ignore just about everybody in the ranter camp.
    #76     Feb 1, 2015
  7. What warming? The warming from adjusting temperatures? Remove those adjustments and the earth's temperature has been static for two decades. But two decades is not long enough to state that it's a trend, nor is even two centuries. Too short a period of time. But you wouldn't understand that.
    #77     Feb 1, 2015
    gwb-trading likes this.
  8. gwb-trading


    #78     Feb 2, 2015

  9. Yes, and the adjustments are also why the ice is melting everywhere.

    Are you for real? Did you do what I told you and ask for the money back that you completely wasted on your college education? You can then use that money to pay for a psychiatrist. It's obvious that you have a chemical imbalance.
    #79     Feb 2, 2015
  10. gwb-trading


    Futurecurrents was the hero at the recent global warming alarmist trade show...
    #80     Feb 2, 2015
    Max E. likes this.