Most Influential Humans Ever

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RCG Trader, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. New List, based on imput......

    1. Barrack H. Obama
    2. J. Robert Oppenhiemer
    3. Issac Newton
    4. N. Tesla
    5. Adolf Hitler

    List based on global impact. Actions/decisions impact you on a day to day basis. Butterfly type effect.

    Obama has changed America on a fundamental level. This will change the rest of the world via the Butterfly effect.

    Others self explanatory.
    #61     Mar 29, 2010
  2. Fair enuf. Have these people on your list names then?
    #62     Mar 29, 2010
  3. jem


    Considering that population has increased dramatically since the American Revolution and that Locke Rosseau and Jefferson provided the framework for government serving the people so that they can have life and liberty. This life an liberty and rights of the individual to have self dermination changed almost all of the western world and is now changing much of the eastern world.

    So if you count the billions of people influenced and the effect on their lives and liberty....

    I think you have to go with

    Locke or Jefferson - with an assist from Luther

    mention must also go to al gore as the inventor of the internet and the process which will be used to take away liberty... Global Warming.
    #63     Mar 29, 2010
  4. No, you antagonize enough just by demonstrating why your parents bewailed that you never made it past second grade...

    Seriously, that was weak. You cannot make even a feeble attempt at defending yourself, so you try and obfuscate via trash talking?

    Now it is clear why you and yourself maintain twin girlie threads. You have no hope in your life, so you wh*ck off after getting home from the 7-11 job...
    #64     Mar 29, 2010
  5. :D
    There is no spam on this thread, and we already know you cannot trade, sooooo.......aren't you little bit lost?
    #65     Mar 29, 2010
  6. I vote for Gibbs based on his sources of inspiration:

    #66     Mar 29, 2010
  7. Come this November, Mr. Gibbs will wish he was living in outer space .............
    #67     Mar 29, 2010
  8. Hello


    Is this picture for real? I would have a very tough time believing a Starwars/trekkie type guy would be the type of smooth talker you would have to be, to become the press secretary, or a lobbyist, even though i am a right winger I just cant picture the smooth talking Gibbs as a trekkie. I always think these guys who are able to do that job are guys like Aron Eckhart off "Thank you for smoking," who get all the babes. The type who is able to spin anything. Anyone who has not seen "Thank you for smoking" i suggest you buy it/rent it now, this is one of the funniest movies i saw in a while, it kind of reminded me of wag the dog, but much more humourous. It is cool that someone made a movie based on the spin which lobbyists present.

    Sorry if i offended any starwars/startrek fans. :)

    #68     Mar 29, 2010
  9. Ah yes, RCG's arbitrary criteria thread

    #69     Mar 29, 2010
  10. yikes. looks like chandler bing, in that shot...

    #70     Mar 29, 2010