Most boring NFP day I've seen :(

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by FuturesTrader71, May 6, 2005.

  1. TGM


    I never believed in the govt manipulation in the stock market until the mid to late 90's. Remember the Asian crisis? Hong Kong went in and bought their own stocks. They admitted it. That was a first. I believe folks attached with our govt do the same. But they do not admit it. I think the 'plunge prevention team' was perfected under Rubin. I am not prone to believing in Conspiracy theories and I do not believe in ghosts. However, I have seen way to much to believe the stock market could come back on it's own so many times.

    The Asian collapse and the Asian's admitting they bought their own stocks for stability ---sealed the deal for me. That was Rubin all the way. On top of that, I have seen way to many situations were the stock market would be in a free fall and then mysteriously Goldman and Company jump into the pit buying the spoo in 50 lot clips ----like nothing I had ever seen. When they do it ---it is not like they are doing it crafty. For instance, if you are around the pit for any length of time you get a feel for how they work size for hedgefunds and program trading etc. This was totally different. It is as if the 00 accounts says start the buying and they don't give a shit how many or what price they pay for the contracts. It was so blatant. I will never forget the Asian collapse. It was as if God himself put the bullet bid on the spoo.
    #31     May 6, 2005
  2. Dang! ET'ers have amazing talent at taking a thread off on a tangent. :D On Sunday, we will read an article about how NFP volatility was crushed by a government plan to prop up at the market without a ppt. Newsflash!!! I can see it now...... what's that about aliens? I'm gullable right now so hit me with it...

    Ok... it is time for bed. Glad this day is over even though we all finished positive on the day.
    #32     May 7, 2005
  3. does anyone know who the govt is using as their broker? i've been having some slippage issues lately, and i started thinking..."maybe the govt is frontrunning my 1 contract..."

    also, does anyone know if the govt is hiring technicians or analysts?

    :D :D
    #33     May 9, 2005
  4. Volume is super light on the FDAX this morning. Not sure about the others, but this day is looking boring as well (just to continue the theme). I think I might start a landscaping or home repair company on the side to keep me busy.... :)
    #34     May 9, 2005

  5. Sure seems like its going to be a heck of a fun

    going back to my old job as an independent street pharmacist if this keeps up...

    #35     May 9, 2005
  6. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    yea - i think they are hiring soon.

    their head analyst - some dude called greenspan is retiring shortly. could be an opening for you.

    send me your resume and i will pass it on to dubya for consideration (along with all the other hate mail i regularly send him)
    #36     May 9, 2005
  7. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    wednesday may be fun. until then....yaaaaaaawwwnnnnnn.

    #37     May 9, 2005
  8. no volume = just buy futures as they will never sell into low volume..

    I love free money!!

    thanks Greenie $$
    #38     May 9, 2005
  9. What is the logic behind this?
    #39     May 9, 2005
  10. i was wondering if there was some kind of rule or law that prohibits the government from buying stock futures?

    what about the squeeze protection team last bear market. are they the same folks, just reverse?

    #40     May 9, 2005