Mosque At Ground Zero

Discussion in 'Politics' started by cstfx, May 10, 2010.

  1. "they attacked the WTC's, which was not a symbol of any religion"

    Didn't you know that in America money is God, and the WTC was the Mecca of money?

    In money we trust, not God...

    #21     May 13, 2010
  2. Hello


    Do you post things simply to hear yourself speak? Nevermind dont bother answering i just realised it was ZzZZzZzz and i already know the answer.
    #22     May 13, 2010
  3. Do you post things simply to hear yourself speak?

    #23     May 13, 2010
  4. as a US citizen I would vote for that, I am for all things that increase hatred around the world

    I wish the US government actually did that

    and no I'm not trying to be sarcastic

    I just can't imagine how much hatred that would create and how many problems it would cause, and I love that

    I even like that fucking pathetic TSA, they are good at fucking up america
    #24     May 14, 2010
    #25     May 14, 2010
  6. Excellent points !!

    Except undeserved insult to the Vlad the Impaler, who was the original muslim fighter of Europe. Good guy .
    #26     May 14, 2010
  7. Yannis


    Deprive, no, tighten a little under conditions of war, yes.

    I understand your assertion that he'll be treated severely and trust that you mean it, but I have no trust at all in this government, sorry... Left on their own devices, they may very well choose to try to look open-minded (soft) to the Europeans, or Muslims in general.
    #27     May 14, 2010
  8. I have to agree with this statement.
    #28     May 14, 2010
  9. I find it amusing that anyone would deny the truth of that statement.

    I remember when there was a time when people didn't work on Sunday, as they were keeping the Sabbath (for most Christians this was Sunday, for Jews it was Friday evening to Saturday evening).

    So why did that change?


    Our society places money above God. Oh sure, they give lip service to God and Jesus, and the Ten Commandments, but money is number one.

    #29     May 14, 2010
  10. Yannis


    At a time and place where people were expected to work 100 hours/week for bread and water (the Egypt experience) the Hebrewes were given a "relaxed" work commandment: "do what you need to do and also take a day off to worship, lay around, look at the sky." We do that today with our 40 hour/week schedule, etc. The precise day you take off doesn't matter, not really, relax.

    On the other hand, I fully agree with the observation that the world has always worshipped money, power, fame, lust, etc more than God - it has been a huge problem over the centuries, and it's probably not going to disappear any time soon.
    #30     May 14, 2010