Moscow museum to exhibit Mohammed cartoons

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sputdr, Feb 7, 2006.

  1. Yes, but first of all they are occupying indigenous territories where they lived for centures but were absorbed by Russia. Second, they are converting to Russian Orthodox Christian faith. 2 million of them have done so in the few recent years.

    "2 million ethnic Muslims adopted baptism in Russia while only 2,5 thousand Russians converted to Islam"
    #21     Feb 8, 2006
  2. One could witness similar racism in an arab or an african country, but one would not live long to tell his story about life in one of those lands. Even in American cities, there are many neigborhoods where a white person cannot safely go. Did you even encounter such neighborhoods in Moscow?
    #22     Feb 8, 2006
  3. Saw that, freaking amazing: kids dressed as a suicide bombers with al qaida bandanas shouting insults and racial hatred to protesters and what coppers do??
    They arrest the protesters.

    God, I want to get out of here really bad.

    BTW, fred u live in london?
    if so we cud meet somewhere sometime somehow...
    #23     Feb 8, 2006
  4. The whole of Russia is unsafe to "walk around". I can't begin to tell you how many friends of mine had "incidents" where they were asked for time and then hit with a baseball bat, or they saw/took involuntary part in two dozen different scams to relieve them of their money.

    Twice - first time on Metro Park Kultury and the second time on Beloruskaya - I saw skinheads beat an asian and a black man an inch from death, with the militzia (the street police for those not knowing) looking on the whole time and doing absolutely nothing.

    Then there were the skinheads who stabbed a 9 year old girl in St. Petersburg 11 times simply because she was from the Caucuses and had dark skin. Or how about my friend who had a nice indian restaurant. The moment it became profitable, he was taken out, beaten and some "business partners" who had papers "signed by a judge" took the business away from him and threw him out in the cold -giving him no response to do anything about it. That kinda thing happened at least a dozen times to businessmen I know.

    Black students from Africa are continually harrassed, beaten, and even have had their dorms set on fire. In outer cities, they have been killed and the investigation has been closed after some policeman sorted it up to "hooliganism".

    Almost every Russian friend I have, including my wife at first until I taught her how bad it was to say, refers to blacks by the "n" word. Yes, I know, I know. I speak Russian - the "n" word is how Russians refer to these people in the first place.

    I've got probably a hundred or so more examples. True, the US had it's time where racism was a massive problem. That time is over. While there are still problems in every society (it will never be perfect), Russia has a LONG way to go.
    #24     Feb 9, 2006
  5. All the examples you are citing are valid, except that this all happens to ordinary Russian all the time and hundreds times more, but the media never reports on it, because Russian lives don't count for the Western media.
    So many Russian owned businesses were shaken out by non-Russians, people robbed and killed, scammed out of their money, thrown out of their own apartments by the muslim immigrants. How many Russians kidnapped by Chechens in broad day light in Rusisan cities.

    If the situation in Russia is so bad for non-Russians, why do those afriacan and arabs students keep arriving to Russia in larger numbers. You would not go to Zimbabwe or South Africa, knowing the situation their, would you?

    You say - "Almost every Russian friend I have, including my wife at first until I taught her how bad it was to say, refers to blacks by the "n" word."

    Well, I guess you have not heard blacks talking on the streets here in USA, saying all kinds of racist things about white people, and calling for extermination of whites:

    "... We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet ..."

    "30 black teenagers from Marine Park Middle School, most of them girls, chased five white girls from St. Edmund’s off a Marine Park basketball court and across a Brooklyn street—punching, kicking, slapping, pulling hair and screaming, “honky bitches,” “black power” and “white crackers”"

    And while we are on the topic, this is what muslims do in Sweden to local Swedish teenage grils:
    #25     Feb 10, 2006
  6. violence against Swedish girls
    #26     Feb 10, 2006
  7. OMG! I didn't know Russia was that bad. I've had a long standing desire to vacation in Moscow. Would you say that Russia is generally unsafe for tourists?
    #27     Feb 10, 2006
  8. Banjo


    Russia is a thug horror story, a bud went to Moscow on a biz invitation from a reputable guy , stayed in a reputable hotel, on the way to his room from the hotel bar was kidnapped , robbed, beaten to within an inch of his life and left in a room. Maid found him next day unconscious. Have heard stories like this more than once.
    #28     Feb 10, 2006

  9. Boo. :eek:

    Just make sure you don't get off at the wrong train stop in one of American cities or you will be robbed, beaten and left unconscious.
    #29     Feb 11, 2006
  10. EC1


    Bullshit. US cities got the lowest murder rates for decades.

    Murder rate in Russia is even impossible to calculate, that is how dangerous it is.
    Thousands of people dissappear into thin air each year.

    US and Russia don't even stand in the same league.
    #30     Feb 11, 2006