Mortgage Rates going up +6.5% now

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Trendytrader, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Count me in with the group who just wants his taxes to go for a national defense, a national highway system and a big sign that says 'stay out of my life.'
    #21     Oct 17, 2008
  2. gnome


    That's what the Founding Fathers had in mind...
    #22     Oct 17, 2008
  3. S2007S


    I thought part of the plan was to reduce mortgage rates, bailing out FRE and FNM was suppose to help that. Not working as we can see which will only prolong the housing bottom process.
    #23     Oct 17, 2008
  4. I take it that you haven't looked at the latest balance sheet from the Federal Reserve, numbers released as of yesterday?
    #24     Oct 17, 2008
  5. TGregg


    Or even economically savy. Savy enough to understand supply and demand, say. Sadly, most Americans think that the economy is a big pizza, and if one person takes too many slices they are left with nothing but the box to feed their family (paraphrased from PJ O'Rourke).

    We'll continue this economic march of ignorance to more and more socialism for a while yet.
    #25     Oct 17, 2008
  6. gnome


    We are definitely financially ignorant. Anyone who understands basic economics or even personal finance either dug the info out on his own or hired someone to help.

    I still find it difficult to rationalize.... how basic economics and personal finance are not required courses to graduate from high school or to earn a college degree.

    What else could we ever learn which could be more beneficial?... even essential.

    So, why are we not required to have at least a cursory knowledge of these things? Because THE GUMMINT WANTS US TO REMAIN NAIVE SO WE DON'T HOLD THEIR FEET TO THE FIRE FOR THE SELF-SERVING AND GREEDY CRAP THEY PULL! :mad:
    #26     Oct 17, 2008
  7. perr


    Oktiri what choice do we have here come November.

    The people in charge who are running the GAME, only let certain one's in.

    These people are not stupid that come in, they do what is told to them to do.

    Like Bush is, he was one of them and they even had the supreme court make sure that
    he got in. And look what they did to us for 8 years.

    Gnome is totally right when he say's, Elected leaders are supposed to act in the best interest of the country and its citizens. Ours do not, regardless of whom we elect.

    All they do is make us feel like we elected these leaders, and if we don't they will.

    Now you know what's going to happen to this elected leader if he doesn't do his job.

    Car accident like in u.k. or here in u.s.a. like in JFK, (who by the way was just to good of a real man)
    they couldn't handle Mr.K he was to good of a man. So they thu the gov/CIA kill him.

    This is they game and in a game you need players. Like me, you, and her.

    Thanks for listening
    #27     Oct 17, 2008
  8. You dont know that the earth isnt 6000 years old. Most people that believe in evolution have never even looked at BOTH arguments, for and against. They just picked a side that they liked and ran with it. Sort of like these people that are saying Obama will be the best president. They go to Obama rallys and listen over and over to him and never once go to a mccain rally to see what its all about. They've made up their mind without even hearing the issues. Same thing with evolutionists. The believe they come from monkeys so they think as simplistically as monkeys. If you are going to pick evolution over creation at least listen to both sides of the debate before you pick one over the other. Otherwise you are just following the biases of other people and not thinking for yourself.

    This will get all you started.
    #28     Oct 17, 2008
  9. The current administration was not only elected - it was RE-elected.

    So yes, the American electorate is absolutely 100% getting what it deserves.
    #29     Oct 17, 2008
  10. Yes, I do.

    That statement clearly indicates you have no clue about evolutionary theory, so you'll probably serve your cause best by not talking about it.
    #30     Oct 17, 2008