more you want it - lesser of your chances

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by andrasnm, Nov 24, 2005.

  1. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    2nd that
    #41     Nov 30, 2005
  2. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    ive got to say that after re-reading your post youve got to sort your head out first.

    if you think you can, you can.

    if you think you cant.....

    the bloke who started kfc tried 10000's of things before he hit it off at the ripe old age of 60 odd.

    winning is all about how you overcome obstacles.

    you may want to read some of napolean hills stuff. its a bit dated, but the ethos still rings true.

    all the best (and buy some new shoes!! :))

    PS - if the broker wants to talk sports, talk sports. people like people who are like themselves. you may have noticed that in the rat race, it is those who get a long with the boss who get promoted, not those who are good at their jobs. wise up.
    #42     Nov 30, 2005

  3. why not find a firm that will fund you 100% and go for your dreams??

    #43     Nov 30, 2005
  4. Cheese


    If there are those who encourage any and every poor dumb limp dick who comes along to take up trading or become a trader you are doing him HURT and HARM and not helping that person in the least.

    It makes me wonder how many here know anything about effective money making trading. Trading is not a panacea. You have to put together an awful lot to master a market and make it pour money into your own pocket. And I'm not talking about some dumb treadmill where you survive in trading by just scraping along.

    I have come from what is called at ET 'the other side' and even on that institutional or corporate side of the trading world, if you are not sharp enough you will get shoved out pretty damn quickly.

    Reality .. thats what I'm talking about here.
    #44     Nov 30, 2005
    Laissez Faire likes this.
  5. No. You are talking about summary judgment, Your "Honor."

    I would not encourage anyone to take up trading any more than I would encourage someone to take up parachuting. That is a decision each person should make for himself. But I have read several of your posts, Cheese, and you are a member in good standing of the Discouragement Fraternity (a term borrowed from Robert Ringer). You seem so ready to determine someone's fate at the drop of a hat. Perhaps you should ask yourself if you are following in anyone's footsteps from your past, inadvertently or otherwise, because you have established an undeniable pattern here at ET.
    #45     Nov 30, 2005
  6. bighog

    bighog Guest

    When you really want something, you want it RRRREEEEaaaallllyyyyy bad, then you will strive the extra mile to get it.

    The more you want it is a plus not a negative.

    If you want something bad enough you will be more motivated, not less...that is simply against human nature......:)

    If you want something bad enough, it brings out inner strengths you never knew were in there. It is the inverse of the saying: If you even "THINK" you will fail, do not even start because you have failed even before you start.

    All the psycho babble to the contrary is a waste of time.
    #46     Dec 1, 2005