More than 20 states file petition to withdraw from the United States

Discussion in 'Politics' started by zbojnik, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. zbojnik


  2. zbojnik


    Texas already has 83,000 petitions!
  3. I think it would be good for both sides. It would be a natural experiment in governance.

    I think the only possible argument against it is "economies of scale" from having 300 million people in one country. But, the economies of scale with 150 million people (assuming a relatively equal split) are indistinguishable from the economies of scale with 300 million.

    Plus, I think the alternative is that we just start killing each other and that's really unnecessary.
  4. mutluit


  5. Maverick74


    Texas has no legal ability to secede. It's all a ruse.
  6. Quote from zbojnik:
    More than 20 states file petition to withdraw from the United States.

    Its more like a small minority of people in 20 states.............................LOL

    Pure BS

    Minority . Get use to the word.:D