more diversity and sensitivity police at work

Discussion in 'Politics' started by whitster, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. I'm an ethnic minority, and what these 'diversity crusaders' need to understand is that <b> force feeding massive helpings of diversity and multiculturalism down the white man's throat every day is not in our best interests.</b>

    Poke a sleeping bear with a stick once or twice, and you'll probably get away with it. But if you keep poking long and hard enough, you can bet that bear is going to wake up and kick your ass. Do groups like the ADL, La Raza, and Rainbow Push want a race war? Because if they keep pushing hard enough, a race war is exactly what they'll get, and nothing good can come of that.
    #11     Apr 22, 2006
  2. What world do you live in?

    Yes, that hand you are initially dealt can give you an edge in life. However, I would say that it is how you (and to an extent your parents in early life) play that hand that determines the outcome of the poker game.

    If you are flat out untalented then it does not matter where you start; you get shit from life. If you are extremely talented then being born rich helps you but being born poor does not stop you.

    The only people clamoring to bring down the talented to the levels of the untalented are the lazy ass untalented folks who want someone to give them something for nothing. As was evidenced by the fallout in New Orleans after Katrina, fostering an evinroment of getting somthing for nothing and allowing that envirinment to become the standard does nothing but create a broken system. If you doubt that then try living in a area where the "you owe me because I am poor and untalented" mentality has been imported from New Orleans.
    #12     Apr 22, 2006
  3. Since when is proclaiming that you and your employess speak English (The officual language of the United States) classified as bigoted or racists?

    What country are you living in?
    #13     Apr 22, 2006
  4. Good thing employers don't demand people spell correctly using the English language...

    In this case, because the man is a government employee, and drives his truck and parks it on government property, advertising his business...I hope you get the drift.

    All they wanted him to do was to cover the advertising, and not wear a particular hat.

    White folks are so damn touchy these days....

    #14     Apr 22, 2006
  5. zzz is just using his classic orwellian stalinist speech model (tm) again...

    it's bigotry, it's hate, etc.

    it's a simple (and simplistic) way to demonize ideas that scare him and that he doesn't agree with. it conveniently ignores the content of the issue and instead relies on insults, and even better - code words - to attempt to place one side into a box that nobody wants to be in - a 'bigot'

    of course , in doing so, he demonstrates HIS bigotry

    hence, the irony
    #15     Apr 22, 2006
  6. Oh, you are so right.

    You are so smart to have figured it out.

    Take a bow, soak in the applause.


    #16     Apr 22, 2006
  7. Uh oh, whitster, your accurate assessment of zzzz's character no doubt has you up on his - and, by extension, Resinate's - radar screen.

    Keep this up and Resinate will start to delete your posts.
    #17     Apr 22, 2006
  8. "Generally the ACLU doesn't step up to help bigots or racists."

    generally, you are wrong

    ever hear of Skokie?
    #18     Apr 22, 2006
  9. Ricter


    If you're born in a mud hut in Ethiopia, you're going nowhere in this lifetime. With that end of the spectrum in mind, which is the world I live in (hey, you asked) if you're born to a senator's family in this country, it's a bit of a misleading understatement to say, "that hand... can give you an edge in life."

    This merely illustrates how bad and how good some hands start out.

    Admittedly, the spectrum is not that broad in this country. The lower cards have been removed from the deck, maybe one or two suits too. But keeping the concept of relative deprivation in mind, one can begin to understand the social chaos that has visited in times past societies less stratified than ours. We get glimpses of what's simmering under the "American Dream" lid when something like a Katrina hits. So very different an outcome than in countries with less stratification. It would be interesting to see how our minorities would have reacted had their history in this country been completely different, an entire subculture of anger, hate, and yes, entitlement would not even exist. Of course, they wouldn't be minorities then, they'd be part of our majority.
    #19     Apr 22, 2006
  10. 2 points

    1) the coverage of Katrina was primarily New Orleans. New Orleans has a very high black population. hence, this created the FALSE impression that Katrina disproportionately affected blacks. Actually, when one takes the ENTIRE gulf region (not just the sexy city of New Orleans) it turns out that there were far more whites (on an absolute AND a relative basis) that were affected than blacks.

    obviously, it disproportionately affected POOR people, because poor people are less likely to have insurance, less likely to have the means of transportation to get out on their own, etc.

    Now, there is obviously big blame on Nagan, Blanco, and the Bush Administration (moreso Nagan, since he was the one with buses that could have been made available, but i digress), that's a given

    2) the USA has among the highest income stratification among industrialized nations. absolutely true. some people think that sux. that's arguable, but i respect that opinion. what is not often mentioned (at least in your typical class warfare post) is that the US consistently has among the top 5% INCOME QUINTILE MOBILITY of *all* industrialized nations. what that means for the layfolk not familiar with the esoteric lingua franca of the economist is that in the USA, statistics show that there is incredibly robust movement BETWEEN income quintiles. iow, the motivated poor tend NOT to stay poor, and that arguably few societies on earth reward hard work, self-discipline, self sacrifice, etc. than the US does

    this is clearly seen, for example, in the income stratification between cultural groups

    Japanese American families average about 1.75 TIMES the average US income despite the fact that Nissei did not COME to america rich. they prosper because their work ethic, cohesive culture, self sacrifice, strong family bonds, and general lack of socially destructive behaviors is the kind of formula that results in aggregate success in the (relative) meritocracy of the USA

    for example, japanese americans have (compared to most other cultural groups) LOW murder rates, LOW contraction of AIDS rates, VERY low out of wedlock birth rates, VERY high education rates, etc. one counterexample is their high suicide rate, which is a cultural artifact as true in the USA, as it is in japan. this proves that culture matters. see: Hayek, Sowell et al

    also note the massive success of jews in america. 3-5% of population (depending on how u count) and 25% of the entering classes to ivy leage, and much higher average income

    for those who decry racism, let's remember that blacks who are immigrants from the West Indies tend to soundly shellack in income, education, etc. native born blacks, which again tends ot point to culture, not race as THE factor. also, note the OOW birth rate (as mentioned quite often by Bill Cosby et al) for native born blacks is over 70%. if this was an edifice of racism, that's kind of hard to argue, since it was in the 20% range at the turn of the century when there was FAR FAR FAR more anti-black racism than there is now. in fact, one of the single greatest predictors of a child's future success rate is whether he was born out of wedlock or not. women who have multiple out of wedlock births are engaging in behavior that makes it significantly more likely their kids will not succeed

    similarly, few would argue that japanese americans are "privileged". these are the same people that were put in frigging concentration camps just 50 or so years ago.

    also, a quick look at the forbes or fortune top 500 businesses and wealthy individuals shows an astounding amoung of people who bootstrapped themselves up from little or no privilege.

    now of course, ceteris paribus, being born into wealth *is* an advantage. that is a given. what is clear, though , is that our system places great rewards in the reach of those who are willing to practice self sacrifice, discipline, targeted risk taking, and perseverance

    i speak as somebody who has experienced this kind of stuff firsthand, and it's part of the reason why i love this country so much
    #20     Apr 22, 2006