More details on the Palin 150+ Shopping spree.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KINGOFSHORTS, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. The country has missed out on some serious entertainment value from comedians across the land by her losing out.
    #41     Nov 6, 2008
  2. kut2k2


    True, but Tina Fey begged us to let her be through impersonating Palin by yesterday so we had to oblige her. :D
    #42     Nov 6, 2008
  3. Here is why Pa(b)st long term analysis of Palin's presidential prospects is dead wrong:

    Anyone remember Mike Huckabee? Remember what fox&talk radio did to him? Everyone knows a perceived religious nut has no chance in the general(and Palin is also perceived as a hopelessly stupid bimbo).

    Look at exit polls concerning Palin. Most reasonable folks (even republicans) thought negatively of her. Contrary to what Rush Limbaugh may lead people to believe, conservatives by themselves won't win any presidential elections. I mean Texas and Kansas and Alaska and Utah may have gone red with only conservatives but I doubt any other states would.

    Republicans want to win first and foremost. Religious conservatives are thrown a bone about protecting Life and marriage every election but if they start trying to push "their" candidate they get shot down. Republican party exists to cater to rich and big business.
    #43     Nov 6, 2008
  4. Fox News seems to be hitting her on the clothes thing and now the "country of Africa" thing.

    It is almost as if someone at the higher levels of the news channel has decided Palin's fate already. The treatment is in stark contrast to Hannity's interview with her pre-election.

    With the totality of MSM lining up against her, she is going to have a hard time recovering.
    #44     Nov 6, 2008
  5. You have to blame someone for the big loss. You can't blame the platform of cutting taxes and blaming McCain is a bit petty. So they decided to sacrifice Palin and make sure she does not "pollute" the field down the road. They don't want her anywhere in the federal government.

    P.S Remember this above all: Republican party is built to win elections(not this time obviously), Democratic party is built to help people.
    #45     Nov 6, 2008