More Democrat Lies Exposed!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. wildchild


    Back in Nov 2017 Trump got rid of net neutrality. The anti-American democrat party screamed bloody murder and claimed it was the end of the internet as we know it. Well here we are almost a year and a half later and I cant see the slightest difference to the internet. It hasn't changed a single bit.

    This is another case of the leftist fear tactics that are nothing but lies. How can the left and the media be so wrong, so often?
  2. The dems need to step down and embrace the president. They insult the intelligence of the American people, we all see through their lies and manipulation.
  3. I wished you used a different example than the Net Neutrality Issue. Then again, Republican bullspit should be reported just as Democratic bullspit.
  4. wildchild


    Why? The democrats screamed that the internet was never going to be the same. Nobody, anywhere, has noticed the slightest change in the last year and half.

    The dems make predictions that this will occur, it never happens. Look at the claims the global warming fraudsters made back in the 80s. It is laughable, but they never get called out for their lies.

    Thus far this year I had already nailed them on the lies, that they propagated regarding Jussie Smollet, the Coventry Catholic school kids, and who can forget the collusion lies.

    Democrats are lairs, it is that simple.
  5. elderado


    Nicely done.