More brokers and other fancial people than real traders.

Discussion in 'Trading' started by NoMoreOptions, Mar 13, 2004.

  1. ertrader1

    ertrader1 Guest

    I agree to a point.......however an MBA can be treated like a degree in Shakespear, or say philosopy. It teaches you to think and problem solve, and to decode. Nothing more, nothing less, the problem is, that for so many years....MBAs where the Trend and like any fashion becomes a fad then fades away.

    MBAs are a dime a dozen now and M&A, the IB, the rest of those departments are almost non-existant, the .COMs and the VCs are but a few standing.
    #21     Mar 14, 2004
  2. So does surviving.

    #22     Mar 15, 2004
  3. Quote from stock777:

    ...What we need are more illiterates and know-nothings , not more Phd's.

    #23     Mar 15, 2004
  4. stop me if you're heard this one ...

    If the Madrid attack turns out to be al Qaeda linked, they just made Bush look like a monkey's uncle therefore he should be impeached because he has done nothing to stop terrorism but instead has brought this world and nations into direct conflict with powers outside of anyone's control, and rather is responsible for the deaths of countless additional innocent people (men women and children) for which he should be held accountable for and personally sued for wrongful death, pain and suffering.

    The truth is, since there was no WOMD the UN did not and does not back his entry into nor his occupation of Iraq or Afghanistan.

    He should have just got together with the UN and the IMF (whatever the name of that is) and spent the 10s of billions to relocate Iraqis who felt that they didn't like the regime of Sadam, transporting them to countries like the USA to house them and help them start another life for themselves.

    #24     Mar 15, 2004
  5. traderob


    Actually member 'Vienna' mentioned goldrush in a pm to me.
    #25     Mar 15, 2004
  6. dgmodel

    dgmodel Guest

    aiight... thanks...
    #26     Mar 15, 2004
  7. 03-13-04 11:05 PM

    Like the goldrushes of old, there are the few that make a lot of money; the majority that go through hell and lose all their stake. And there are the consistent winners who sell the shovels, the worthless land and dreams.

    By Roberk


    Excellent Post

    P.S. When there is no paper trail on performance there is FRAUD...and money up front requests early on .....
    #27     Mar 15, 2004
  8. T-REX


    Who says that a Broker can't trade?

    just because someone is a Broker does not mean that he or she can't trade and do so rather profitably on a consistent basis.

    That is how I raised accounts back when I was a broker.

    #28     Mar 15, 2004
  9. dgmodel

    dgmodel Guest

    same...however i rarely used my firms research, and mostly done well with my own recommendations... but you have to agree for the most part, brokers are salesmen and spend very lil time, researching and studying stocks but focusing more on their "pitches" and "closes..." but i think theyre reffering more to brokerage firms than stockbrokers... unless i misunderstood...
    #29     Mar 15, 2004
  10. Mecro


    In my HS AP History, we actually learned that the biggest riches were made by the merchants of the gold rush. Selling overpriced goods is always good business. There were miners that discovered enormous riches in gold but after buying supplies, food and shelter, they walked away with almost nothing.

    Churn and burn baby, churn and burn.
    #30     Mar 15, 2004