Moodys...Usa will lose AAA bond rating in 2013

Discussion in 'Economics' started by spinn, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. spinn


  2. ............................................

    Govt. has to dramatically downsize....

    And change the tax code to a 10/5 C tax....only....

    This will work....


    Any form of raising taxes or increasing the size of
    govt. will not work...

    Taxing risk any form...

    Would be the final nail in the coffin....

    And guess where the Dem's are taking the US ????

    To the likes of Haiti.....
  3. It would be nice if it takes that long, but I think the ship will be seen as sinking perhaps as soon as end 2010, so 2011 will be a disaster.

    Lasting out to 2013 would be amazing.
  4. May lose AAA rating if cannot control increasing deficits.

    So basically they are saying......nothing. Who the fuck can trust Moody's anyway? Ratings agencies shit the bed last year and are never to be trusted again.
  5. Moody's waited until March 2009 (!) to downgrade Japan from AAA. By that rate, it may take a decade or so before they move on US debt.
  6. sprstpd


    All ratings agencies involved in giving mortgage backed securities AAA ratings deserve to rot in hell.
  7. l2tradr


    Yup, it wa all his doing, you nailed it!
  8. What was our deficit in 2008?
  9. clacy


    There is plenty of blame to go around for where we are at today, including both sides of the isle and the past two FED's, but Obama was there voting for it the whole way.

    But that's not the worst part. It's what he's doing going forward that is so ridiculous.

    *Out of control spending that would make Bush blush.

    *Cap & Trade initiative that would raise the cost of doing business (inflationary to the consumer)and push what remaining manufacturing we have in this country away.

    *Health care reform, that will crush small businesses and is CURRENTLY KEEPING THEM FROM HIRING.
  10. spinn


    as mentioned, it is what he will do going forward that will cause this, at the current rate the debt will be 20 trillion before he is voted out of office.
    #10     Dec 8, 2009