Montana to enact regulations to restrict private businesses from doing what they think is best

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gwb-trading, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. gwb-trading


  2. Cuddles


    This is the anti cancel regulation you crave GWB.

    Why are businesses trying to cancel non-mask wearers?
    userque likes this.
  3. Overnight


    Without reading the EO, how in the hell can the state government tell a private business what they can and cannot do about who they serve? The FACK, man.

    Let's just let the anti-private business fairies declare the "no shirt, no shoes, no service" rules that EVERY business has in place illegal and racist.

    Fucking morons. The government has no right telling a private business that they MUST do this or that, beyond the purview of the local government!
