"Monkeys pick bottoms" Hugh Hendry defends shorting the USD

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by cgtrader, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. Hugh advocated buying Euro and DM bonds well before Trichet woke up and starting reducing interest rates...I seem to recall that he said "that he couldn't help himself...he was going to make a killing...suggested at least 40% short term.

    He sure as hell is on the way to that , if not exceeded. Just on fundamentals, Hugh was opposed to stocks, but I do not recall him saying that he was shorting....he was simply interested in buying bonds.

    I like the guy, because he does not suffer fools easily, whether they be analysts, whom he has the delight in taking the shit out of....or glib commentators.
    #21     Apr 30, 2009
  2. AK100


    The trouble is that 95% of people don't want that advice.

    They've been so short term conditioned that all they want to know is 'what goes up today' and then tomorrow 'give me another idea - what goes up today' and so on.

    And then they all wonder where it all went so wrong......
    #22     Apr 30, 2009
  3. Hendry said, right to my face, in mid 2008, BUY BONDS...
    Alas, I did not.

    Some people just don't want advice
    #23     Apr 30, 2009
  4. This thread is a little confusing - he says very confidently :

    "I dare you to touch an equity today. Tell me you're making money on equities...."

    Regardless of how long-term you're looking for that is a crap piece of advice, maybe he might have got some agonised longs out of their positions if they couldn't handle any more pain.

    Another point - most people who watch the Daily Business channels ARE short-term traders, rightly or wrongly, so to come back after making such a bad judgement call and be so arrogant, then start quoting how much he is UP won't make the people who actually listened to his advice too happy.

    It seems he is very long of HIMSELF.
    #24     Apr 30, 2009
  5. Cutten


    Marc Faber, Peter Schiff, and Jim Cramer all have public track records over the last 5 years.
    #25     Apr 30, 2009
  6. Uhhhhhh, yes they can and many have.
    #26     Apr 30, 2009