money in shorts

Discussion in 'Trading' started by mind, Jan 11, 2004.

  1. Vishnu


    First of all, mirror image systems just don't work. Shorting upper ends of Bollinger bands, etc are a swift way to bankruptcy (except in period 2001-2002)

    Its important to note that the CSFB hedge fund index for Dedicated ShortSelling actually had a Negative return in 2001. I mean, the market was down 12%!? and the professionals who are 24 hours a day trying to find stocks to short still couldn't make a profit. What gives? Shorting is not the opposite of going long.

    Valuation shorting also is just useless. Look at TASR or ZIXI right now. If you shorted them 50% ago you might still be right but you're also bankrupt.

    Wiley has an upcoming compilation coming out on shortselling where I've written a chapter on futures shortselling with a few techniques that have, at least, worked historically. But I'm a skeptic in general about shorting. Perhaps the best way to short is to use credit derviatives on stocks with big debt-equity ratios but I've never tested that.
    #21     Jan 17, 2004
  2. mind


    from 1998 to early 2000 i was invested with a short seller with an amazing trackrecord in the nineties. he had an annual return of around 15% with a volatility slightly above that, leaving him with a modified sharpe ratio of somehow below 1. we could not find anyone coming near to that. as far as i can recall they would trade stocks within a band of price earnings. funny enough that their attempts in long short strategies did not come close to their success in shorts only.

    i am very interested in your article. possible to get it somewhere on a stand alone basis?
    #22     Jan 17, 2004