money doesn't make me happy, (nor anything else)

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by chewbacca, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. eagle


    One thing I haven't do yet and still regret it is to kill someone. It seems to be a good cause this time. :D

    Edit: Wait a minute, I'm not fast to understand your point. Now I think I get it. The reason why I would kill you if you reveal your trading system to me is because I'll blow up my account using your system. Inversely, I would be so grateful to you if I can make money out of your system.

    #51     Nov 19, 2008
  2. zdreg


    why not switch to the other side and hunt for pirates?
    #52     Nov 19, 2008
  3. yup, not addicting though. I'm cutting back a bit so I can get down to work on some stuff for awhile...

    Researchers have gotten hopelessly depressed people out of hospitals after ONE day with that stuff!! And I mistyped it affects endorphins not serotonin.. whatever.....
    #53     Nov 19, 2008
  4. Cutten


    You can do all that when you are broke, pretty much. It might take a bit more time and effort, and the quality might be a bit lower, but you can do it. You can definitely do it with any remotely decent job.

    Money is useful but time, and 5 years of your life, has infinite value.
    #54     Nov 19, 2008
  5. i hope you know that once you start taking some sort of sh*t it is all downhill from there for >99% people.

    you may end up like rearden metal. at least make some $$ first so that you could afford the stuff when it is downward spiral.
    #55     Nov 19, 2008
  6. karol88


    I agree.... and I would also like to add (I will try to make it short):

    been there, and until I changed myself I couldn't really appreciate life....for me the change was to give up my narcissistic ways....although back then I would have been furious if anyone called me selfish, I strongly believed that everything and everyone but me was more or less evil...
    what a terrible way to live. It felt good to be rich & successful (not with trading) but at the same time I was getting more and more bitter and depressed, and this at a very young age. Back then I blamed all this on the evil business people, the money making, the world....everything but me. To this day my Mom reminds me how I used to tell her "I have everything, but nothing makes me happy, and there's no love in me", and how sad it made her.
    luckily I'm over it.
    I may add that it took a major disaster for me to change, and I'm thankful that it happened, despite that there's probably still more work do be done :)

    my point is: you don't necessarily need to change your lifestyle, or start something new (I tried both, and it didn't work), sometimes just a small change within yourself can do wonders.
    #56     Nov 20, 2008
  7. amazing what those papertrading accounts let you do...
    #57     Nov 20, 2008
  8. karol88


    naahh, unless he's prone to certain rare health conditions, he's going to be fine :) D-Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that is needed for normal functioning of the central nervous system. It has been used successfully to help control symptoms of depression /lack of energy etc. It's safe unless he really abuses it. I take it from time to time, it helps (try it together with Tyrosine, it works even better)....look it up, it's not a drug, in fact it helps meth/cocke addicts do get off the drugs. Amino acids can be found in certain foods, and protein powders as a supplement.
    #58     Nov 20, 2008
  9. All jobs require a mininum of 8 hours a day, thats government 9-5 , not wall street 10 hours a day.
    Factor in 30 minutes for lunch, Factor in 1 hour for transporation.

    You end up "working" for almost 10 hours a day.

    24 hours a day
    8 hours to sleep
    10 hours for work

    6 hours of free time each day
    *** not a lot to go swimming, hunting women, or anything. Most people would probably spend those 6 hours sittin gon their couch tired from 10 hours of work.

    I have 24 hours for free every single day, Everyday my routine is

    Wake up @ 10:00 AM
    - look at charts for 2 hours
    Have girl cook me lunch/breakfast.
    Workout for 1 hour
    Walk home from workout - 1.5 hours
    5PM by now.
    Go to a movie theatre @ 7PM
    Come home @ 10PM

    SO as you can see, the only entertainment I really had was, movies.
    And of course trading.

    In reality most people don't have much time at all. A "good job" won't give you any free time. No job is the only thing that allows you to have "Time"
    #59     Nov 20, 2008
  10. The worst thing that can happen to the thread starter right now is being "complacent" With 30-50k per month.

    30-50k per month is not big money for<b> "short term " opportunities</b>. You will not be retired wealthy on 30-50k. @ that rate . you still need 3 whole years to make just 1 million dollars net.

    #60     Nov 20, 2008