Money can't buy happiness

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by eagle, May 5, 2006.

  1. You haven't made much then.

    When you go through periods of 24 hours euphoria for weeks on end, Then you have reached "made so much money".

    I hope its above 100k NET a year at least.
    What you make right now is middle class wage in NYC at best.

    Check $COST 's Journal if you want to know what "made so much money" means.

    Another month, Another million.
    #21     May 6, 2006
  2. Only poor people say that money cannot buy happiness.
    #22     May 6, 2006
  3. Wouldn't the point of making a lot of money be personal coolweb? I am not going to measure penises with you or anyone.

    I feel I have "made much" and am "making much" coolweb and thats all that counts.

    I still drive my wood-grain...

    Michael B.

    P.S. I would not like to be Bill Gates and make "the most" !! and if I did make more money than him, I surely would keep a low profile. I celebrate that I actully understand his points in the article posted here. A very "down-to-earth" piece, unlike your arrogance coolweb...try and learn it.
    #23     May 6, 2006
  4. The problem with most people are

    They are down-to-earth when they have to , Not because they want to, so they say they are down-to-earth

    Example: "Nice guys" who are nice.

    When in fact they want to flaunt it but they can't.

    PEople who have lots of money and are down to earth gets much respects.

    People who don't have much money and are down to earth do it because they have to.

    I just don't have time to pretend to be down to earth when Obviously I think extremely highly of myself and back shit up.

    I'd rather talk to someone who flaunts it cause he has his shit together so tight its just SPLURGING THROUGH HIS PORES , then hang with some wannabe down-to-earth guy who does it because thats all he is.


    I have never seen a player succeed in money/business who was down to earth.
    #24     May 6, 2006
  5. Being able to handle money and manage it is most challenging especially when its growing exponentially.

    Keeping numbers in perspective and growing it at the same rate while maintaining risk becomes time consuming.

    Now the dreamers in this thread think that all their troubles will go away when they get "there"...whatever "there" may be.

    I can tell you I have not reached that euphoria yet, and I really do not think I will. so call me a loser or even better call me a realist.

    Michael B.
    #25     May 6, 2006
  6. coolweb,

    I have not seen one thread showing any evidence of your claims to back up your so-called status...including your trading journals and abilities presented.

    Michael B.

    I just don't have time to pretend to be down to earth when Obviously I think extremely highly of myself and back shit up.
    #26     May 6, 2006

  7. Personally, I think many rich people will find your down-to-earth personality when you haven't "made it" , pretentious.

    We all know what it feels like to make a lot of money, We know its bullshit when you are sitting there all mellow and shit because you aren't.

    You are probably dancing around in your underwear everytime you count the profits you are making money hand over fist. <b> (if any) </b>
    #27     May 6, 2006
  8. I joke around and say that I want to roll in hundred dollar bills naked in the bed...but I am joking around.

    For some reason this thread sobers me. Because I have never had a lot of money in my life. I feel a responsibility.

    Perhaps wealthy (ier) individuals have not had to deal with the challenges that I am facing. I really don't know coolweb.

    But I am ready. I can handle it and am handling it. I am not spending a dime on frivolous items.

    I like to look from the outside in...I do a lot of looking.

    Michael B.

    #28     May 6, 2006

  9. You can not tell what status I am because you aren't on the same level, so my mentality seems alien to you.

    Electricians recognize electricians,
    Businessmen recognizes businessmen,
    People with money recognize people with money,

    You unfortunately, don't know what to look for in people.

    Sorry to say :D

    I can tell you your trading ability after chatting with you in 10 minutes in the chat room.

    People are extremely transparent if you've experienced what they are experiencing already.

    You still need faxed tax statements? lol.
    #29     May 6, 2006
  10. I can tell the status you are in.... from your arrogance.

    If you have made any money in trading, then you surely have not displayed it here. This is just a fact. Or have I missed one of your Journals?

    Michael B.

    #30     May 6, 2006