Mon Ami Saddam

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Feb 21, 2003.

  1. gordo



    you have a good reply to this. I feel that peace should be the ideal standard. However, it seems that the younger folks today are unable to recognize a "just war." I shudder to think what may have happened if we were so protest happy in 1941. Do not think for a moment that I want the blood of the young spilled needlessly, but it scares me to see the passive mentallity that is taking hold on campuses today. If they want to protest and profess peace, they need to direct their efforts at the madmen ( the Housseins and Bin Laudens) of the world that possess bloodlust. Tell them that we want peace, and that is why we are willing to make a stand to defend it. Peace to you and good trading.

    #11     Feb 24, 2003
  2. MSFE what are you doing ?

    For heavens sake, don't bring religion into the conversation as the next thing you know some smartarse will bring up the subject of how many people have been killed by the church's persecutions.

    #12     Feb 25, 2003
  3. it's called 'clutching at straws' i believe
    #13     Feb 25, 2003
  4. msfe


    When U.S. Foreign Policy Meets Biblical Prophecy

    Does the Bible foretell regime change in Iraq? Did God establish Israel's boundaries millennia ago? Is the United Nations a forerunner of a satanic world order?

    For millions of Americans, the answer to all those questions is a resounding yes. For many believers in biblical prophecy, the Bush administration's go-it-alone foreign policy, hands-off attitude toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and proposed war on Iraq are not simply actions in the national self-interest or an extension of the war on terrorism, but part of an unfolding divine plan.
    #14     Feb 25, 2003
  5. Is that Robert Deniro in the center first picture?
    #15     Feb 25, 2003
  6. >>For millions of Americans, the answer to all those questions is a resounding yes. For many believers in biblical prophecy, the Bush administration's go-it-alone foreign policy, hands-off attitude toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and proposed war on Iraq are not simply actions in the national self-interest or an extension of the war on terrorism, but part of an unfolding divine plan.<<

    Never mind 'for millions', what does it mean to you MSFE ??

    In any event, ex-protector of the Pope, if all this is an unfolding divine plan, what the hell are you doing trying to stop it by trying to get us to see it your way (so that together we can try to avert the war).

    If you are standing in the way of God's plan what are we to think of YOU, fact twisting Mr Swiss ?

    For you to talk like this, is that because your brain is riddled with holes just like your cheese ? Are you perhaps suffering from a touch of 'mad cows' disease ?

    Daniel summed it up pretty good about the way you carry on (twisting and turning), when he said "it's called clutching at straws".

    How can we posssibly have respect for someone prepared to twist facts just so as to win the argument.

    You see, most of us don't want an argument, just a reasonable discussion. Unfortunately that just does not seem to be possible with you lunies.

    #16     Feb 25, 2003