Mittens does NOT repeat in Colorado.....

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RCG Trader, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. Well, they do what they can. It is a bit sad to see "grownups" still consider popularity as something meaningful.

    But, what can one do?:D
    #11     Feb 8, 2012
  2. Well, okay. I see that your comprehension is low, so I will do a you a favor and break it down. The GOP is in civil war. The moderates of the GOP want Mittens. The neo-cons want Santorum. The moderate represent the "establishment" which the neo-cons hate. So, when Mittens did not do as well as planned, this shows chinks( meaning holes) in the GOP armor( a metaphor, the GOP does not really wear armor).

    I hope that helps you. I will try to find a way to make it Dr. Seuss like, so you can follow along.
    #12     Feb 8, 2012
  3. pspr


    Your logic is weak. Politics is war but I don't believe the GOP is in "civil-war" within the party. Just as the Hillary-Obama struggle in 2008 was not a civil-war within the party. Once the nominee is chosen there will be little if any division in the ranks and past struggles will have no impact on the party. Try to think like a chess player, RCG, not a checkers player.
    #13     Feb 8, 2012
  4. Lucrum


    More drama? Jeeze nurse.
    #14     Feb 8, 2012