Mitt Never Wanted to be President Anyway

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AK Forty Seven, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. With the democratic legislature a republican Governor is not going to fix CA's fiscal problems.Arnold is a smart guy and could have fixed it with help but with the legislature in CA its hopeless
    #11     Dec 23, 2012
  2. Lucrum


    Certainly smarter than Obama.
    #12     Dec 23, 2012
  3. I think he is.Charisma goes farther then intelligence in politics though
    #13     Dec 23, 2012
  4. Lucrum


    Hence the reason we should have limited the vote to productive land owning tax payers. As the framers intended; and for good reason.
    #14     Dec 23, 2012
  5. BSAM


    Nice to see the legacy of Hitler and Mao live on in today's world.
    #15     Dec 23, 2012
  6. jem


    Unfortunately, that is a rational analysis.
    #16     Dec 23, 2012
  7. You have to be REALLY stupid to believe tax cuts are a magical wealth creation machine. There was no way Romney, Obama, or any human being on the planet could create a robust economy out of what we had in 2008 in 4 years. Not humanely possible.
    #17     Dec 23, 2012
  8. Lucrum


    Can you name one single time in modern history when a country taxed itself into prosperity?
    #18     Dec 23, 2012
  9. jem


    when things are slow and store wants to bring in more revenues do they raise prices or have a sale?

    Do you knew that when bush cuts taxes revenues went up by 40 percent and the the top 2 percent paid more in taxes.

    did you know the Presidents own advisor Romer did a very detailed study of tax increases and found they lead to lower revenue.

    You have to brainless and unstudied to think raising taxes creates more prosperity.

    but it is because we have financial illiterates who think like you running the media... that we have politically leaders who do not understand the first thing about business or economics.

    and if you really did shop at publix you would know that the govts policy of spending more and more which is debasing the dollar and creating massive food price inflation and other inflation destroying the purchasing power of the middle class.

    Overspending is a massive tax on the working class.
    #19     Dec 23, 2012
  10. Pro tip: Bush economy was a fraud based on the real estate bubble. The worth of that economy was decisively proven in 2008 i.e nothing.

    Stores bring in more revenue depending on the product they sell and the elasticity of the product. You can raise prices and make more money (both revenue AND profit) when you have an inelastic product. If republican theories of economics were true it would be IMPOSSIBLE to do so. You can raise taxes and increase revenue to the government if you raise them responsibly.

    Taxes are not a magical wealth creation machine. They have to be properly calibrated and left alone.

    N.B I rewatched all 1992 debates (3 presidential and 1 vice presidential). It is amazing how the unwinding of the Reagan Bush economy propelled Clinton into office (and ross perot too).
    #20     Dec 23, 2012