Mitch McConnell is a f***ing Tool

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Jul 13, 2011.

  1. I see you can type it well enough. But can you actually say it without biting your tongue off and swallowing it?
    #31     Jul 13, 2011
  2. Lucrum


    I fly an older plane so I don't know the details of the tax break. I think it was some form of tax credit for buying a new plane. If I'm not mistaken it did positively affect the industry, I'm not sure how much.
    The "industry" being plane manufacturers and their employees, the pilots who fly them, the mechanics who service them, a few flight attendants and fixed based operators and their employees who sell fuel. IOW it affects far more working people than the relatively few "rich" people getting the tax break. And don't forget the buyer still pays a sales tax on the purchase, property taxes on the plane and massive fuel taxes when operating the plane.
    #32     Jul 13, 2011
  3. Judging by their platform, the Right has a fairly lousy decoy.
    #33     Jul 13, 2011
  4. BSAM


    They're trying to make the average Joe think they are looking out for the economy.
    #34     Jul 13, 2011
  5. With a platform that actually and overtly doesn't give a shit about that very same average Joe? Once again, up is down.
    #35     Jul 13, 2011
  6. Max E.

    Max E.

    No, i have already said i dont mind certain loopholes being closed, but democrats love to choose the ones they can use as an issue that they can demagogue republicans over, and i cant stand what disingenous turds they are when they come out on these things and paint a picture that the only people they are effecting is billionaires, when they know damn well that it isnt the case.
    #36     Jul 13, 2011
  7. You're being far too cynical. I think Obama really wants to do what is best for the country. I'm certain that the Republicans only want to do what's good for the rich at the expense of everyone else. Individually, if they themselves are not actually self-obsessed rich, then they are the ultimate suck-ups and useful-idiot wannabes.
    #37     Jul 13, 2011
  8. Try as you may, you continue to miss the point. The Democrats are simply against the idea that the burden of fiscal reform should be placed solely on the backs of the most vulnerable while leaving the financially advantaged entirely unaffected. Particularly after those very same rich had been expressly pandered to in the eight years preceding Obama, and that very same pandering has contributed to the deficit crisis.
    #38     Jul 13, 2011
  9. Max E.

    Max E.

    The government is the one who let spending get out of control, therefore it is them who should be making the sacrifice, all the tax increases in the world wont get us to where we need to be, if you were to tax the 1%ers at 100%, and people were willing to keep working to donate all their money to the government, we still would only get about half way there.

    So if you want to talk about taxes, fine then, but they need to get their house in order first, and come in with a balanced budget amendment when they decide to start raising. We have seen how the endless liberal money pit works in places like new york, new jersey, and california, where the government just keeps raising taxes and raising taxes and raising taxes, endlessly in order to give money to the people who keep voting them into office.
    #39     Jul 13, 2011
  10. Ricter


    That's their dilemma. They, by their own admission (at least around here), represent the interests of capital (no pun) and the wealthy, with the excuse that what's good for that and them is good for the average American--trickle-down, rising tide, and all that. Nevermind for the moment that those haven't been working for decades. So, in a downturn that's hurting millions of ordinary Americans, irreparably in too many cases I think, if they're to "do their job" then they have to argue for the plight of the rich. Not a great place to be, lol.

    Admittedly.... the democratic party is infested with 1%'rs, too.
    #40     Jul 13, 2011