Mitch McConnell is a f***ing Tool

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Jul 13, 2011.

  1. Larson

    Larson Guest

    I think he is referring to the tax increases BO wants. The three-headed hydra of lower tax revenues, exploding deficit, and rising unemployment are nothing to trifle with. DC has their thumbs up their butts collectively, and are incapable of a lasting solution.
    #11     Jul 13, 2011
  2. Max E.

    Max E.

    Do You think that Obama is going to get re-elected if the market goes into a tail spin over this debt celing vote? Obama may as well take that "rope" you are alluding to and string his own ass up, if he wants to play chicken with this and cut nothing.
    #12     Jul 13, 2011
  3. Ricter


    If it were only that, we could have a rational discussion. Instead we have "taxes are too high", but the comparative data suggests otherwise. And "spending is too high", and again, comparative data suggests otherwise. We're left with revenue... "no tax increases ever, under any circumstances". Or, "we don't need an EPA!" (the author of that one doesn't know the people I know). Finally, the 1%'rs suggesting we "pray". Irrational. And convenient.
    #13     Jul 13, 2011
  4. LEAPup


    Yes, I agree. What blows my mind if the FACT that Odumba won't consider cutting his high speed rail dream, the health care disaster, and other "green" programs as mentioned in your post. BUT, he WILL scare the hell out of old people in America who are already cash strapped (giving their 45 year old kids money who don't work), by saying their SOCIAL security checks may not go out.:mad: I put SOCIAL in caps as this is what a socialist CAN do when the government controls your money. They get to terrorize you, and get away with it.

    I've taken calls ALL DAMN morning long from Clients who in addition to having investment $$$$ receive S. Security as they're at that age. They're not going to suffer like those without investment/savings 'if' these checks didn't go out, but they're scared, and mad as hell! Can't say I blame them.

    I told them, "I normally don't talk politics with you folks, but take a look at a what Ron Paul has to say about America. I think you'll see he wants to restore us back to what we should be: Free."
    #14     Jul 13, 2011
  5. That is my take away as well. Obama is bluffing, playing on the republicans' deep-seated fears from the government shutdown during the Clinton-Gingrich war.

    McConnell and Boehner vividly remember that near-death experience. The newer Tea Party members were not scarred by it and see this situation for what it is, a lose-lose for Obama unless republicans save him.
    #15     Jul 13, 2011
  6. McConnell has called the republicans' traditional circular firing squad play, no doubt taught to him by Bob Dole and John McCain.
    #16     Jul 13, 2011
  7. If you knew anything, you'd know the answer is: all of it is insane. The only reason this faux controversy is occurring is because Obama is allowing you ignorant yahoos to set the terms of this debate.
    I came back here, took a look around, and this place still displays breathtaking ignorance on basic economics, the kind of stuff you expect on the Yahoo forums, but not in a place where the masthead says "Elite Trader".
    For the record, not that anyone around here (with a couple of exceptions) has the cranial horsepower to understand:

    2008 was just three years ago. By every measure, it was the worst downturn since the big one. To expect the government to run a balance or a surplus at this point is to expect the country to commit economic suicide.
    Debt ceiling raises were, in the past, routine, including under Reagan, where the number of times it was raised was way more than under Obama. Only under Dem prezes: Clinton, and now Obama, does raising it become controversial.
    Given what's being said around here, I'd be willing to bet that at least half the membership didn't even know there was such a thing as a debt ceiling until a few months ago. And yet you still open your mouths and display your usual, stunning ignorance.
    #17     Jul 13, 2011
  8. I think Obama will be re-elected. Period. A lot can change between now and then, but if I had to bet my lunch money, Obama stays. As for your chicken comment, only the Right is playing one-way, one-sided chicken while simultaneously making threatening noises about the debt ceiling. The Tea Party crazies who are fueling them seem to actually be relishing the prospect of imminent collapse, like unbehaved children bent on breaking china just to see it happen. Stated differently, they are fucking stupid. Ricter called them for what they are.
    #18     Jul 13, 2011
  9. Lucrum


    I'd bet my lunch money that makes your nipples hard. :D
    #19     Jul 13, 2011
  10. Ricter


    Please, add corporate jet tax breaks (and the like) to your considerations here.
    #20     Jul 13, 2011