Missed opportunities

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by ken__0, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. ken__0


    So Im mad at myself for not waking up in time to trade on friday.
    Would have been my best day yet.
    Its getting on my nerves. I dont like missing great opportunities.
    I know there will be another day another trade.
    It bothers me to know I missed out .
    oh well .
    You all have a great trading day
  2. mlawson71


    Tomorrow is another day. The market never ends and there will always be another great opportunity to trade.
    Andrea Wylan likes this.
  3. Woulda, coulda, shoulda... o_O:confused: ...hindsight thoughts are kind of meaningless in trading.
    It's all about how you handle the current situation, and foresight you have.

    ...Get an alarm clock, and keep a bottle of water next to your bed...
    when that alarm goes off...Spill some water on your face/head..that will instantly wake you up.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
    lovethetrade likes this.
  4. You sound like a dreamer. :)
  5. Simples


    Visualize what you would have done that day if things were different.
    Then, extensively figure out all of what was missing, so that it could've been better.
    Then try to find holes in your logic and wishful thinking, start see things as they are more.
    To be repeated until you have prepared enough or have settled the matter.

    There's a danger remaining in such mind state, to revenge trade or to chase markets too far, etc. So best to resolve this before taking new trades.
  6. cornix


    Judging past from today's point of view occurs often, but is a biased thinking. Why didn't you trade on Friday? Probably you believed chances for good trades were not high? Probably you decided to take time off, doesn't matter how many good trades you miss? What did you think back then? Was it right BACK THEN? If yes, you have nothing to be sorry about now. If you did something wrong, adjust your time management.
  7. Mtrader


    See it philosophically: you missed one day, so you will be millionaire one day later than planned... unless you repeat this in future. :D
  8. After seven years of part time trading, I came to the realization that for me trading is a 100% mental game now - because I know TA principles well, if I trade poorly, it was due to some mental error I committed.

    Dwelling on the past and missed trades is a mental error. If you're going to think about anything, you need to remind yourself of the times you did well, not the opportunities you missed. Human nature is to focus on the negative it seems. I hate myself for not just buying all I could of ES at 800 in 2009. I was new to market then, and didn't have a job (no $). So, your post is not far from that thinking. If I had purchased 5 ES in 2009 well that's 300k. I could be permanently retired and living in the Philippines with that. Just last Friday I bought crude and scalped it for a few cents. It then went up more another 90c without going to where my pre planned stop was. I can find another 1,000,000 reasons I should be angry about missed opportunities.

    There are always 2 ways of looking at something - I can hate myself because I fucked it up and should be richer than I am today, or I could say, next time I need to hold on because there was no reason to get out, and I was right. The latter thinking is the only one you should do because in order to achieve something you must first realize it is possible and once you go too far with the former, you will either go crazy, give up, think trading is impossible or can't be done or kill yourself.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
  9. Just because you don't have a boss does not mean you don't need to be disciplined and responsible, don't be a bum, do what's right.
    dealmaker and lawrence-lugar like this.
  10. J_Smith


    You create your own opportunities - the market will move according to buy/sell orders - if you don't trade in the right direction, whenever you trade, then there is something wrong with your head!

    Of course there will be more volatile days than others - all attributed to buy/sell orders - forget the past, it will destroy your mind when it comes to trading - just look, act, and react!

    When you lose it is because you stayed in too long when sellers were ahead (vice versa). When you win, it is because you stayed in long enough when buyers were ahead (vice versa).

    There is always a sweet spot - seeing it is not that easy for most, but it is always there, each and every day - so - just carry on and keep looking for that sweet spot, as, when you find it, you will not care what day it is!

    #10     Aug 15, 2016