miss trading

Discussion in 'Trading' started by proptr8r, Aug 23, 2003.

  1. jaan


    bigger spreads.

    - jaan
    #11     Aug 24, 2003
  2. Tea


    Yesterday, at the Professional Trading Tour meeting Bob Bright said that stock volatility has returned to what it was in the 80's. Back then of course, there were no decimals. IMHO, the connection between fractions and volatility is like saying that if my car were painted red it would drive faster.

    Naturally specialists and other marketmakers would like the return of decimals and fatter spreads. Brokers too would like the return of fat fixed commissions.

    Its time to move forward and not dwell on how good it was in the "bad" old days.

    #12     Aug 24, 2003
  3. nkhoi


    ET rated 4.8 by that site, not bad.
    #13     Aug 24, 2003

  4. Only 1 person voted.
    #14     Aug 24, 2003
  5. dbphoenix


    I accept the compliment :p
    #15     Aug 24, 2003
  6. proptr8r,

    Lescor is correct.

    I started out as a stock daytrader back in the beginnings of the online brokerage start ups (before that I had a merrill lynch sharebuilder account)

    Then I got me TC 2000 and became a position trader because I was young and wanted to do many things at the same time, which daytrading did not allow me to leave the computer screen. I remember those days.....when I would never die and was going to take over the world.

    Then, I found futures 3 years ago at the ripe age of 41. I have done well, and in my first year my accountant told me I had to pay a penalty and 2% extra income taxes because I did not pay quarterly taxes....that sucked, as I had spent all my money, and had to work out a payment plan with my partner the IRS!

    So year 2 was the year of paying back taxes and pre-paying quarterlies which I under-payed as it is difficult to predict the profits in this business.

    So, now year 3.....right? I started another business that I could get some benefits from and show a loss for a few years before the IRS figured it out. Well, now I am needed full-time in that business that I formed as a tax shelter and it has taken me away from intraday trading the ES. And it is showing a profit........I am not bragging, just illustrating that you can compromise and still trade. I will always trade and find a way to stay in it, so I am now holding overnight and swing trading the ES with a simple system that I subscribe to. (I know them and have been watching and conversing with this signal service for 2 years)

    Anyways this thread is about you prptr8r...and there is a way for you to trade. You are probably a "hands-on" type of trader and it is hard for you "not to" spend your time trading. But pursue your carrier and take 15% of your money and open an account and Swing Trade. Then come in here at night and talk to all of us, as an active trader.

    Heres an idea, there is a great platform out there named strategyrunner at http://www.strategyrunner.com and they will write your system in c++ and it will reside on their server and trade for you automatically. They only will charge you a couple hundred bucks to write your system and many brokers offer strategyrunner as a platform for $$8.00-10.00 RT.

    Prptr8r good luck to you and hope you can get back in the game and build your retirement account up, while you are pursuing your career and getting the social contact we all need. You do not need to give up trading and the talent you learned. Just share it when you can and never walk away from what you have learned and know. THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY. Just prioritize your time and do what you need to do.

    Michael B.
    #16     Aug 24, 2003