Misery Index

Discussion in 'Economics' started by dealmaker, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. dealmaker


  2. Nice to know Venezuela isn't high on misery.
  3. che.png
    I see Argentina is on the top of the list
    Does that mean another Che is in the making as we speak?
  4. I don't like the way it measure misery. It seem to lose touch with reality. How about measuring it by the lack of Dom Perignon shower parties or lack of Italian super car?
  5. JackRab


    I'm missing a few countries...

    Sudan? Congo? Venezuela indeed... Or do they have high employment?
    And surely Zimbabwe should be on there too... wasn't that country's inflation way up there???
    dealmaker likes this.
  6. Seems the concept of "misery" may be flawed.
  7. Ha! I thought this might be about Misery Index the US death metal band!

    That being said, I'm surprised France isn't on that list, socialism is slowly destroying the country...the rich are being chased out via confiscation-like taxation and there's less and less middle class left to tax to feed the poor (and increasingly numerous and not-so-poor welfare parasites).