I know there a a few folks out here who use and are knowledgeable about mIRC. I just downloaded the software, and everytime i try to connect i time out. I let it just continue, but when it got to 20+ timeout failures i gave up. I can ping most of the servers mIRC is trying to connect to -- am i missing something? There is no section on "Connection Attempt Timed Out" in the mIRC help. i don't pretend to know what i am doing -- i just expect software to, well, kind of work and do it for me -- if you know what i mean. regards/greg
I had the same problem when trying to connect to othernet. You need to increase the connection time. Go To: - File - Connect - Options Change 'If not connected within:' to 180 seconds. Bob
BOB!!! Thanks man! That worked! -- and don't tell the sys. admin. -- he'd frigging flip! LOL regards/greg