Mind Control 101 – Trading cults in ET

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Rabbitone, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. Well, Mr. Hershey may be many things but gifted communicator is not one of them. :D
    #21     Apr 23, 2009
  2. Over time, the financial industry has gone through several stages of progress. Throughout the last 50 years in my personal experience it has grown. The simple consequence is that the replacement value of basic needs of people has progressively increased in price. Therefore, being wealthy requires more capital as time passes.

    People, by posting, state where they are in the spectrum of wealth and its acquisiton. They commonly use this standard for two things: measuring where others are and measuring what is still in the realm of possibility for them.

    Four deep and abiding considerations surround this limiting people do with respect to the spectrum they do not understand.

    First, is how their life experience has put them firmly seated in the place they reside: their home life, their schooling and their environment.

    Second, is the set of causal factors which surround their learning of failure (that is stated in their posts and expressions of their limitations). Six sectors provide the approximatley 100 check points that they have NOT used to assess where they are and how they need to extract themselves to a better personal standing; these include: status in life, character, orientation, mind set, what is deemed possible or not and mistaken actions and activity. All of these sectors have sub sectors as one would imagine. For example, status in life has five subsectors: family beliefs, cultural beliefs, educational beliefs, job/work culture and life style. The other sectors are of like kind. About 100 imprtant check items result and they must be processed i the two ways mentioned above. we all become peers as a consequence because we all contribute from a variety of vantage points.

    Third, there is a foundational and basic intellectual process where, by reason and critical thinking, a person must get to the bottom of things and have a proper foundation upon which to build and believe. It may not, on the other hand be an ad hoc collection of derivatives from the first and second items above mentioned. From this comes three things: experience through with knowledge and skills are built in the mind; the mind's knowledge; and the minds skill set. The mind, through neuroplasticity, builds long term memory differentiation (such as in learning to read) which becomes the first recourse of the mind as it applies knowledge and skills to succeed. For trading success is defined as building wealth which is a simple process once the mind is differentiated. I have the well reasoned pool extraction algorithm for this.

    Fourth and last, there is the bedrock learning process that has to come into being to afford the tranference from a source to be internalized.

    Here in ET are examples of all of these things happening to some people who make the choice.

    Simply and pragmatically. we need only to look at two months (March and April) and two people (rough trader and monkman) to see how intitial capital begins ( 158708 and 159996, the ET site pages) and is carried forward to enlarge participation and wealth.

    For SCT like trading, rough trader takes 1500 dollars to 94,000 dollars from page 1 to the current page. He is trading a simple level of the SCT method and, as you see he has a plan to add contracts from profits. He has gone from 1 to 3 contracts in a few weeks.

    PVT is practiced by monkman using stocks and position tading. Here, as he makes money, he make the quantity of shares per turn increase by applying past profits.

    For most people who have planted themselves firmly at the bottom of the spectrum of what is possible, they cannot see or believe any of this has really happened or is happening. It, in fact for them, cannot be proven by any evidentury process. As we all know, some people phish to be able to reverse engineeer. Usually the knowledgable and successful trader does not comply with these phishing requests (See teasing tara for the blatant level of phishing on behalf of her partner).

    You can review 8000 posts to examine a six year process of going from scratch as monkman is doing with PVT and then switching to SCT as rough trader is doing. Do this by looking at the set of journals run by Spydertrader over a five year period where annually about 2,000,000 hits occur at this point. this is a college education and masters degree time period.

    Below is 146 minutes on 03JUN06. here you see a turn which occurred by the last person mentioned and who is using his differentiated mind. When you bring up the chart you get to see he extracted the market's offer for that period. At that time he was two years into a full time trading experience and now he is over four years into that experience. Through self selection he has many colleagues who trade as he does and who keep in touch. They occupy a space in the spectrum of what is possible that is foriegn to most and often the unknowledgeable and the unskilled use poor vocabularry selections to "ridicule" from the place they occupy.

    The economist on page 78 of the 11APR09 issue points out how these same people who ridicule have disruptions to their analysis and intuitive thoughts while trading. It is a consequence of stress. Testing these people proves that they make the wrong bets to win and make the wrong bets to lose. This is called incoherence.

    It is not a reasoned idea to ridicule successful traders from an incoherent vantagepoint.

    #22     Apr 23, 2009
  3. Talk about PROLIX.


    Even if you had something genuine to offer the newbies on ET, your convoluted method of communicating negates any real benefit.

    You just wrote what...500 words?

    I'm a professional trader who visits this site during downtime.

    I COULDN'T GRASP A SINGLE, SALIENT POINT from all your jibberish!

    A (possibly simulated) 40-lot trade? Great. What about the other (losing) trades?

    Just face it -- NOBODY LIKES YOU ON ET.

    You're socially inept & should probably just get another hobby.

    If you were any good at trading you'd be a CTA here in Chicago or NYC.

    I think you're a real toad.

    GL to anybody foolish enough to "follow you."

    #23     Apr 23, 2009
  4. Jack Hershey is a fantastic communicator. However, his communication method is not the interchange of thoughts. It is not to impart knowledge or opinions to traders but to control and influence our minds. Some of the best bad leaders using mind controllers communicate “nothing, nothing and more nothing” with excellent skills as I said out in my original post.

    That is my whole point. Only a good communicator can omit information, supply disinformation and control the mind. They are brilliant “at much to do about nothing.” Mind control communication is logistics. It is to cajole you or blast you using any non informational or disinformational item at their disposal to keep you mesmerized by their prowess.
    #24     Apr 23, 2009
  5. Banff01


    I always enjoy reading you thoughtful posts, Rabbitone. Learning to trade can be a very long journey as it is and it gets even more difficult and frustrating when one is taken in a completely wrong direction by some self-proclaimed experts. Unfortunately, whenever there is money reward involved most people are unable to use common sense and think clearly for themselves. There will always be that lingering doubt and fear that one is missing something by not following the guru that sounds so confident in his ability when all one is getting from the markets (or the world around) is uncertainty. These gurus bring order and assurances while the markets seem chaotic to new traders.

    One thing I could never understand is what motivates these so called gurus to dedicate so much time to ET. I believe that's also one of the reasons why they do get the following they get. People simply have a hard time understanding why would someone dedicate so much work to their posts if they had no understanding of the subject they write about. The fact that the guru does not ask for any money makes their effort very believable and creates an illusion that one must be stupid if he/she is unable to grasp the immense knowledge surely hidden somewhere in these long posts.
    #25     Apr 23, 2009
  6. nkhoi


    if you are in Chicago then ask this guy if he knows anything about Jack.

    James Sramek
    Peak Trading Group
    30 South Wacker Drive
    Suite 1208, Chicago, 60606
    #26     Apr 23, 2009
  7. lindq


    Excellent posts, Rabbitone. Thanks for taking the time.
    #27     Apr 23, 2009
  8. Trading to gain wealth is the western equivalent of stakhanovist productivism. And where most of us would inevitably pick the excess of stakanovism, Trading to gain wealth remains essentially unchallenged.
    Historically, commodity trading was amongst the first large scale trading application of this so called “scientific management”. Since it has penetrated most sphere of productions. It has been the arrow of progress and it is not politically correct to question progress nor its vector, in western society. It is the worse of all taboos. By definition, these traders are technologically superior and the rest is under development. Following our guidelines to become this type of trader. Anything else is obscurantism.
    By definition, Trading to gain wealth, or its derivatives, is the indisputable productivist algorithm. By definition, this unquestionably smart mind creation materialized into unquestionably harmonious trading factories, producing unquestionably beautiful cars, unquestionably useful micro-wave to heat unquestionably delicious fast-food, or unquestionably clever nuclear submarines to tour and crash in our oceans. No questioning allowed.
    Some humanists pointed to the suffering, the de-skilling, the de-humanising, to the alienation of the trading population. But then, the group benefiting from it, the emerging oligarchy found it perfectly acceptable.
    Surely, such trading success and emancipating approach to work could not just remain under the hands of a lucky few traders. Trading to gain wealth was transposed to any form of management. Physical trader conditioning muted to intellectual conditioning, through some sort of trader mental implants. The problem is that we are totally unaware of the depth of penetration of these intellectual viruses, these mental screws . They belong to our mental landscape, like wallpaper. They have penetrated our reasoning and condition our reasoning. The algorithm of Trading to gain wealth is programing our thinking unconsciously, invisibly. We do not take decisions anymore. The algorithm does and is overruling us. But, we don’t like the idea of the being conditioned. We would like it to be ideal and superior.
    For example, most corporate bullshit trading bingo these days is nothing but approximate Trading to gain wealth. Trading slogans, internal communication, are nothing but taylorist mental implants to be accepted by the brain. “Just do it” kind of trading slogans, progressively robotizing the traders thinking. The mind of an trader has to bend to the ideology of the market the same way the workforce of a car manufacturer has to bend to screw. An trader has to believe lies if requested. Swallowing market’s slogans is what people dislike most in trades these days. But silence is the price of a profit.
    Which corner of an market is not under the scrutiny of a debilitating taylorist algorithm or its derivatives these days ? What is stress if not the visible part of the iceberg of trading self-inflicting taylorist conditioning ?
    Totally unscientific, absurd, counter-productive, costing more than the cost it scrutinizes, freezing creativity, stopping intelligence, sabotaging decisions, it does not really matter, as long as it looks like efficiency driven, and is coming out of suit-tie robots showing upside down excel graphs while mumbling sounds like management keywords. The smell of Trading to gain wealth is enough in our days of naivety. Ask the banks. Ask the credit victims. Ask Madof.
    Re-structuring -an classic euphemism for sacking- whatever the context, is sometimes the only room for immediate efficiency gain. It does not matter if the trader will not survive in the mid term, as long as it looks efficient today. This is how far taylorist thinking has penetrated society. Self destruction. Sawing its own branch as long as it sounds productive.
    The NYSE is not a place where emancipation of mankind is at stake anymore. NASDAQ is becoming progressively the center of a taylorist only driven by technology. Thinking under the auto-pilot of growth for growth. Where are the initial concepts gone ? Most official speeches these days are about increasing trading productivity. No more than a crude productivist conditioning. How fascinating. How emancipating. How enlightening.
    “Trade more, to earn more”. Is this rat-race-slogan the SEC intellectual horizon of the XXIst century ? Is this rat-race-slogan, the conceptual enlightenment for the XXIst century ? Voltaires, Rousseau would be just ashamed of us. How much does this stupid productivist slogan weight compared to the smart conjunction and subtle equilibrium of concepts such as “Liberté-Egalité-Fraternité” ?
    In a word, Trading to gain wealth -or its ersatz- has become totalitarian. It is everywhere and is unquestionable. Like the dogma of growth: work more, to earn more, to waste more, to borrow more, to work more… Until death happens.
    How far are we willing to go with such debilitating societal programming about trading? How could we accept to go that far in the fragmentation of tasks and of thinking about trading ? How did we accept taylorist conditioning taking decisions for us ? What is this absurd race for the illusion of total trading efficiency all about?
    How can we worship such fanatic trading algorithm ?
    How did we not reject this absurd totalitarian trading productivism ? How did we let it become such a lethal mental deadlock ? How did we accept as a result trading to be pushed that far into materialism ? How did we not realize this developing mental illness called materialism in our trading ?
    Some humanists point to the suffering of the population now being reduced to a workforce, to the millions of victims queuing at the doll. But then, the oligarchy found it perfectly acceptable.
    This is even how it self-defines trading.
    #28     Apr 23, 2009
  9. I apologize to any one who read the previous section. It was an exercise to mimic Jack.

    The previous post is an example of how easy mind control can be performed using the same method as Jack Hershey did in his post. I took a web page randomly off the web on Taylorism. Then added and substituted words like trading. Some parts almost made sense

    This type of plagiarism is a common tool that mind controls use. It is an easy way to take an inert internet note and elevate your self to a trading wizard who uses mind control.
    #29     Apr 23, 2009
  10. Banff01 Thank you for your kind words.

    Many people are only now starting to grasp what the internet has done for some people that lack the social skills in normal society. Typing words on a screen no longer shuts out these individuals because they no longer have to see a live reaction to their spoken words.

    For many of these people including many mind controllers this is society. They will do almost anything to keep their “position” alive among their peers. They want to live this illusion to the fullest rather than having to deal face to face with real people. These mind controls want power not money. They want the power to control you.

    A simple trick that many mind controllers do is to show a trade post mortem of a common set up with a slight twist. Beginning traders are taught a simple principle of the markets such as 1-2-3 reversal but the entry and exit vary slightly. Then the mind controller posts example after example of this trading using this 1-2-3 reversal to prove “his” method works. Many will become mesmerize by this mind controller not realizing they do understand how and when to perform a 1-2-3 reversal themselves.
    #30     Apr 23, 2009