Mind blowing media obsession with race

Discussion in 'Politics' started by VEGASDESERT, Jul 12, 2020.



    I just went on to microsoft news feed.

    Lifestyle, tv, food, science, tech, entertainment, politics, etc..

    Out of the first 50 article headlines I scrolled through, 16 were about race.

    Thats 32%.

    So, 1/3rd of news is about race. Thats lovely. Is it 2020 or 1865?
  2. Cuddles


    blame POTUS
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  3. Snarkhund


    If you are paying for cable or satellite tv you are part of the problem.

    Don't like the media? Stop paying them.

    News is free: https://watchnewslive.tv/

    I use Calibre for books and have a massive digital library. On the rare occasion when I cannot find what I need I will pay Jeff Bezos for a book, very very rarely.

    Yeah I realize that some good artists and authors get caught up in that but its easier to simply not pay the entire media complex for *anything*.

    People complain about ads on Youtube but I don't see any ads. So easy to ad-block and script-block.

    I opted out when the media became leftists. ET is one of the few sites I allow advertising to come through. Breitbart is another. But I cannot think of another media outlet I support.
    vanzandt likes this.
  4. Cuddles


  5. Millionaire


    Its election year 2020.

    The Democrats are terrified some of the blacks might vote for Trump.

    These Blacks need to be brought back in line. So need to be reminded how racist the Whites really are ;)

    Remember if you are black and dont vote Democrat You aint [really] black.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  6. elderado


    Opening up a large can of whoopass.

    Clubber Lang likes this.
  7. vanzandt


    Damn.... that works pretty good.
  8. fan27


    So, someone posts showing how to watch news for free and you report it to the FBI. This is the new most pathetic post of the year. Congrats...you beat out the kid coming here begging for money required to apply for a prop firm.
    vanzandt likes this.
  9. You must be out of your mind. Trump is not racist. Biden is racist. Wake up out of your foggy mine would ya?
  10. I would like to see some of the racist Dems on this board explain what Biden said. He is the most racist person EVER to run for President.
    #10     Jul 12, 2020
    Clubber Lang likes this.