Milton Friedman Puts A Young (and skinny) Michael Moore In His Place

Discussion in 'Economics' started by thesniper, Nov 21, 2011.

  1. This is priceless:

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. JamesL


    It's not Michael Moore.
  3. Wrong. It is him.
  4. I thought the kid did pretty good. I think it's funny how Friedman thinks it's ok for corporations to be sued in court for knowingly making a faulty product but not be required to fix a faulty product in the first place that would have prevented such lawsuits and deaths.

    However, isn't it funny how car company's now strive to make the safest of cars and point it out as one of their selling points? Some cars have 10 air bags now. Or maybe it's just because the judgement amounts of these kind of lawsuits have risen so much that it is now worth it to make safe cars.
  5. Have you checked out the number of people killed and maimed with air bags? I suppose that death from safety devices warrants different economic calculations.
  6. JamesL


    from the description section of the Youtube video you linked:

    "Milton Friedman Puts A Young Michael Moore In His Place
    Holy cow! I never thought this video would get so many views. I uploaded it as a joke - this is not the real Michael Moore (although if you add some neckfat it would be hard to tell the difference). I meant "A Young Michael Moore" in the sense that a child who is great at basketball is a "Young Michael Jordan". Nevertheless, I'm glad it stirred some debate in the comment section, it's a great back and forth between Friedman and the kid, IMO. I thought the metaphor would be obvious, seeing as how the kid is a skinny redhead, while Michael Moore... well, isn't a skinny redhead. I apologize for the confusion."
  7. That kid was excellent. Both had good points. Takes some balls to step in front of your peers and go face to face with Milton Friedman. I was also impressed with his communication skills.

    You seem kinda dense
  8. TGregg


    Not so much, his peers supported his position. OTOH he did defend well, especailly given his poor position at the onset.More kudos would be available if he were opposing popular opinion in the auditorium.
  9. achilles28


    The kid was right. 13 bucks per car to save 180 lives, per year, is well worth it.
  10. burn8


    nobody here seems to get Friedman's point which is not that much of a surprise.

    #10     Nov 22, 2011