Millions to lose Unemployment benefits over the next month!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Economics' started by S2007S, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. i knew a chick who was gaming the system. she received benefits for 2 years. (after the first few months she barely even tried looking for work.) everytime i'd call/text her, she would be out having coffee or lunch with friends, or out at the lounge/club or some party. i asked her why she didn't find some $30k year secretarial job, and she said "why? i'm getting 24k for doing nothing."

    that sums it up right here. i say BS to the idiots who say there isn't work out there. go pick grapes on a farm, go mow people's lawns, start a cleaning/maid service. wash windows or people's cars. oh wait, but those only pay $10/hr while unemployment benefits pay $8/hr so why bother??

    i knew someone who started a maid service in 2009 and was swamped with work within 2 months. so don't give me this bullshit about there not being work out there. the problem is lazy asses who think they're entitled to certain wages and certain type of work.
    #41     Nov 19, 2010
  2. pspr


    #42     Nov 19, 2010
  3. I bet alot of the people using a maid service are also getting unemployment. Too lazy to work and too lazy to clean their own house. People should clean their own houses.
    #43     Nov 20, 2010
  4. Exactly. And while we're into this government subsidy / transfer payments bullshit, why not require recipients have the government monitor their checking accounts while they are collecting benefits.
    Why not ? How many foodstamp recipients are buying filet mignon ?
    See...if you can't control this, then you've got to END THE PROGRAM.
    #44     Nov 20, 2010
  5. I might not believe in government schemes like "employment insurance" however in the grand scheme of things it is a trivial concern.

    The ultra wealthy are the largest beneficiaries of welfare.

    All the money given to the lower classes is immediately spent at the wall marts of the world, etc, thus ends up directly in corporate/investor pockets and corporate payrolls. What percent of wall mart employees are also on welfare?

    Never mind the very powerful military industrial complex, the for profit education industrial complex, the medical complex, the financial cartel that is our financial system where profits are manufactured by the state and cronyism and privatized as if automatic profits are a god given right.

    Capitalism has never been about "free markets" but rather is about rent seeking. "Capital" craves a monopoly or a cartel more than anything, just ask Buffet. The "free market" is an intellectual notion that does not apply to the vast majority of our economy.

    Employment insurance is of little consequence when the economy no longer needs the majority of workers and he cronies are plundering the economy with funny money (free money) loans and government handouts.
    #45     Nov 20, 2010
  6. A few things. There are jobs which pay close to what some get on UI. Therefore, no motivation to take them. But that will change soon.

    Do people realize that when you require someone to work to get benefits it costs more than just giving the money with spot have to pay people to administer those working for the benefits.

    If we want to create jobs why not create tax friendly policies that encourage companies to hire in America not Chindia. Create tax incentives to repatriate the money back to the US. And don't give me free trade because neither China nor India allow free trade in their own countries.
    #46     Nov 20, 2010
  7. That's true TODAY, but it wasn't true 30 years ago. At that time we had a much smaller government.
    Coincidence ? Of course: more government, less free markets.
    #47     Nov 21, 2010
  8. I think the lazy unemployed should be treated and talked about much worst because these people are not even apart of this society. They can not be as smart as most republicans right? If any unemployed person voted republican they should of did there research because republicans are not about to be handing out any more unemployment. If they do hand it out you best be trying to give out some sexual favors or something. My road has trash on it and you should be over here picking it up. It comes and goes in cycles one day you are the employed with everything and then one day you are the lazy unemployed who can not find a job, or you are the person who worked all there life and now can not afford healthcare because this is truly what hospitals want and if you think healthcare in America is the best in the world you have been brainwashed or just a wagon rider.
    #48     Nov 28, 2010
  9. Idiot!!! Republicans are not saying "No" to extending unemployment benefits. The reason they haven't been extended is because the Democrats want to borrow the money from China and add the benefits to our debt further sinking the country. Republicans want to pay for the befits out of the unused Stimulus and TARP slush funds the Democrats already have setup. It's the Dems blocking the extension by not compromising on the method of payment.

    So having people do a little work in exchange for money is a bad thing? Then move to a socialist country where the government gives you everything and you won't have to worry about anything. If you don't want to go too far away try Cuba. If you want something further away there is China, North Korea, and more.

    No, not everyone is "lazy unemployed". There are two types of lazy unemployed. First there is the type that just hears how "no one is able to find a job" so they don't even bother to look for one. The second type, is one that looks for a job by only going for a "dream" type job paying more than the previous job held or in a better industry while ignoring/refusing any jobs that don't meet his/her minimum criteria. Those that are diligently looking for work and willing to take what is is available should be COMMENDED and are the ones that should be helped the most.

    Once again if America sucks please go somewhere else that you think is better. If our health care is so bad why do people come from all over the world to use our hospitals and doctors? If our system is so bad why have MOST of the medical innovations, breakthroughs, and advances in technology come from the US? Without our system the entire world's health care would suck. Why are our costs so high though? Mostly due to illegal immigrants and people without insurance not paying their bills, so the costs have to get spread to everyone else. There are ways to bring the costs down but you Liberals and Socialists don't want to deny illegal aliens health care and you don't believe in Tort reform or anything else that will actually help.

    You want to really help the country? Lock down the borders, then deport all of the ILLEGAL aliens. This will free up a ton of jobs for unemployed citizens, reduce the burden on our health care system AND our educational system, while helping to prevent foreign enemies from using border weakness to infiltrate our country.
    #49     Nov 28, 2010
  10. Actually in the post above I said "Democrats" were wanting to borrow the UE money from China. This needs a slight correction. It is the "Progressives" (read socialists) that have infiltrated the Democratic party that are trying to collapse the system. The true Democrat party has been slowly killed off over the last 50 or so years. They used to actually be for the little guy, the farmers, the blue collar workers and the unemployed. If the current Democrat party was still for the little guy, why are they raising the taxes on them? It currently looks like they are going to let the Bush tax cuts expire which will cause our taxes to go up. Anyone that receives health insurance from their employer will have to start paying taxes on that benefit causing our taxes to go up. They are trying to push Cap and Trade through which in Obama's OWN WORDS "will necessarily cause your energy costs to skyrocket". Yep sounds like these guys are out to "help" us.....right into the welfare system. If they can get us all fully dependent on the government we will be what kind of government?

    We all know that consumer spending is the driving force behind our economy and in order to grow the economy we have to stimulate consumer confidence and spending right? How do you think these new taxes and "skyrocketing" energy costs are going to affect consumer confidence and spending? The Progressives know this too which is why I say they are purposefully trying to drive our economy down. They are doing everything they can to destroy consumer confidence and spending.
    #50     Nov 28, 2010