Millions to lose Unemployment benefits over the next month!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Economics' started by S2007S, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. I'm guessing he's in the lowest bracket, which will see its taxes go up 50% when the Bush tax cuts for the rich expire.
    #31     Nov 19, 2010
  2. Wow I see even liberal traders fail at reading comprehension. Republicans are not blocking the bill because they don't want the unemployed to have any money, they are just wanting the money to come out of the unused stimulus slush fund instead of being added directly to our deficit. How is that a bad thing?

    I see people claiming that Democrats are for the poor people and Republicans are for the rich people. That makes ZERO logical sense. Think about it. If the Democrats depend on the poor voters to get elected do you really think they want to help the poor better themselves? If republicans depend on the rich vote do you think they want the poor to stay poor, or do they want the poor to get rich too and vote republican?

    Welfare is modern day slavery to the democratic party for a vote.
    #32     Nov 19, 2010
  3. the1


    Go ask the former self-employed, who don't qualify for unemployment checks because they didn't pay into the system, how long it took them to find a job, even for $10 per hour. Guess what. They're still looking.

    #33     Nov 19, 2010
  4. olias


    This sounds like a pretty good plan to me.
    #34     Nov 19, 2010

  5. who are these?

    what name are they going by?

    what policies are they advocating?

    you betcha!
    #35     Nov 19, 2010
  6. pspr


    That's why they want to give citizenship to all the illegals. Put them on welfare and they will all vote democrat. Keep them on welfare and they'll vote democrat every election. Unionize them and they can pay union dues that will go into campaign coffers to elect more democrats.

    To hell with hard working Americans and small businesses. Democrats prefer to "spread the wealth".
    #36     Nov 19, 2010

  7. who are these? Democrats

    what name are they going by? Progressives

    what policies are they advocating? They vote "against anything that will support the economy" They like to push programs that weaken the dollar, promote unemployment, force more people into dependency on government programs, or takes over large parts of the private sector under governmental control.
    #37     Nov 19, 2010
  8. chartman


    The government is pumping money into the economy by buying U.S. Bonds to give the banks additional funds to loan. But businesses are not expanding and borrowing because of there being no demand for their products mainly due to consumers not having any discretionary funds or confidence in the economy. The ones lucky enough to have a job are hording instead of spending.

    Now Congress is stopping unemployment benefits for 2.1 million families which will even reduce consumer spending more over the next couple of months compounding the lack of demand. Some people say to stop unemployment benefits and let the people find a job. That would be a great idea if there was any jobs available in this economy. Check with your State Unemployment Office about the number of available jobs since every person receiving unemployment compensation has to register and be actively seeking employment.

    In a major recession the government should be an employer of last resort by having people receiving unemployment compensation doing public work such as the WPA program. I know the conservatives will say this is socialism but when probably 18% or more of the citizens are looking for work and cannot find a job and millions are underemployed, we need to do what Abe Lincoln said was the role of the government: Provide for the people what they cannot provide for themselves.

    What some people does not realize is that families with underage children will go off of unemployment compansation to state welfare benefits which is still government funding but less money. The largest majority of these people would rather be working. They are unemployed not by choice or anything they have done. They are just pawns in the system being used and having to pay the price for failed economic programs. They are suffering through a setback that probably will take years to recover from if not a lifetime.

    When millions of families have reached the point of hopefulness and have loss their homes and everything they have worked for over the years, I don't believe they will silently stand in soup lines like people did in the 1930s. Our nation's future could be in peril. We could be sitting on a powder keg really to explode. They just need someone to lit the match.
    #38     Nov 19, 2010
  9. The problem I have is that there are still jobs that no one is taking. I just hit and looked at California (probably one of the hardest hit states) and found over 1000 jobs (note: monster will not return more than 1000 so I can't get a total count).

    Then I narrowed down my search to a few key cities: San Diego, San Francisco, Palo Alto, San Jose, and Los Angeles. Guess what. More than 1000 jobs per city are available.

    There should be at least 5000 people LESS on unemployment in CA for sure and I wouldn't be shocked to find out there are 10's of thousands of jobs available. The problem is if people can get a 1 year+ paid vacation they are going to take it. If people were forced to work doing community service type jobs for that unemployment check I doubt I would be able to find 10 jobs open on monster, or any other job finding site for that matter.

    EDIT: I know 5000 jobs is just a drop in the bucket but like I said Monster limits searches to 1000 jobs. I would bet that if I searched by zip codes I will still find 1000+ in most larger zips. I would bet there are well over 100,000 job openings in California alone and at least 800,000 in the continental US. Yet with this many job openings, Mr. "What we are doing is NOT Quantitative Easing" Bernanke is trying to spend billions to create 700,000 more jobs. How does that make any sense?

    Let's get these jobs filled and then demand can start coming back in and repair this economy the right way.
    #39     Nov 19, 2010
  10. LOL @ American talibans. Maybe dems should be coined American communists?

    Most people dug themselves into this crisis by buying useless stuff on debt. I'm not condoning what banks did but banks didn't force or fool people into getting debt.

    They all would find jobs if they stop being pretentious.

    Nobody can help poor people because they don't even want to help themselves.
    #40     Nov 19, 2010