Millions made, much of the world seen, what now?

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Slartibartfast, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. %%
    That may help. Proverbs meditation helps. I would not meditate with mind out of gear, mind is a muscle + couch potatoes have bad health:cool::cool:
    #321     Dec 20, 2018
  2. :D:D
    LOL, laughs help LOL.:D:D:D:D:D
    #322     Dec 20, 2018
  3. southall


    You quoted my post from March this year when the OP had 3,300 posts.
    In 9 months since the OP has made an additional 4,000 posts on ET.
    Clearly he did not take my advice.
    #323     Dec 20, 2018
    murray t turtle likes this.
  4. %%
    Hey, somebody has to type fast; but not me.LOL:D:D
    #324     Dec 21, 2018
  5. Pekelo


    I will quote the most relevant conversation from this reddit thread:


    "During my life I've become very disillusioned with the idea of having some purpose or greater aspiration, I think it's a social mythology. I've had a pretty tumultuous life and I think that my aspirations were never really possible to achieve in the circumstances, things don't always turn out like you hoped no matter how you plan or how hard you work. But I like to think that doesn't make me a worse person than someone who had better circumstances. They had their aspirations and succeeded, good for them, I can go my own way. Generally things that give me a lot of satisfaction are just quiet things. Going swimming, looking at the stars, playing music, gardening, reading. I don't need to make a project out of it to enjoy it like other people do. Then again maybe I would get bored and do volunteer work, or start a nonprofit business... but I doubt it, I want to just peacefully exist."
    • 4xTheFun

      "I'm very much like this. Although I am grateful for who i am, what i have, the opportunities before and after right now, I enjoy the simple pleasures in life. I've become quite disillusioned with the behavior of many people in general. It's not that I think people should be this or that, but I see so much misery, abuse, egocentric behavior. Today, after walking my dogs in the sunshine, I will go out and pick up the trash that peop,e have thrown from their cars throughout my area on the roads surrounding my subdivions. It saddens me that instead of beautifying the area, my dogs step on glass half the time when we go for walks. I've spent a lot of time creating happiness within, loving my dogs, and forging a couple of close friendships. My aspirations are to live a quiet life with continuing dual growth and learning. Simple."
      • Demented-Turtle

        "You do you. Don't let anyone tell you that you need anything more to be happy. As individuals, our only true guiding principle on how to live should be this: how can I maximize my net happiness, while having a positive or neutral affect on the happiness of those around me?

        That's how I try to live. Secretly, I think that life is truly a pointless game with no real meaning behind it. We are, after all, simply a collection of inanimate objects coalesced into something greater. This amazes me: but that doesn't mean there is a greater purpose than simply existing.

        So we must make our own purpose. And we are nothing more than experiences. That's why I've made my purpose to have as many positive experiences as possible, and to give those experiences to the people I care about."
    #325     Dec 25, 2018